In the UK 500 pubs closed in 2023. By the end of June it’s predicted 750 will have closed in 2024. It’s stark, there’s no two ways about it.

We asked YouGov again to help us make sense of what’s going on. They found that one in four sports fans – equivalent to 3.4m people – are going to the pub less than they did a year ago.

And more than half (55%) of sports fans (7.8m people) said at the moment, sport doesn’t form part of their pub experience at all.

Shit. Maybe a partnership under strain is putting it mildly. It’s a marriage heading for divorce.

Around 14,000 pubs and bars in the UK currently show football - what does it mean for Sky?

What does it mean for football clubs?

And what does it mean for the future of football in the UK? And specifically football fan culture?

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