I am honored today to be chatting with Colleen Breuning – an UNO Soul. She is a tax paraprofessional at Yount, Hyde & Barbour, and was formerly the Director of HR & Business Operations at Loudoun Free Clinic. AND she’s a poet!

👐  Listen to Colleen explain how she’s been doing through COVID and how the Loudoun Free Clinic pulled through to meet the needs of the community. (1:00)
📝  Hear Colleen’s story about how she started writing poetry as a child. (6:00)
📗  Hear about how Colleen’s poetry book came together https://www.amazon.com/Shadows-Father-Colleen-Keller-Breuning/dp/0983607206 (8:00)
🗣️  Listen to Colleen recite one of her poems called “Presence”.  It’s wonderful! (19:30)
📣  And another poem that Colleen recited: “Cold Marble” from her book. It brought tears to my eyes – so beautiful. (23:00)
🎨  “Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks.” – Plutarch

#WordsofWisdom from Colleen: Take time to listen to your inner voice. 

Thank you for chatting with me Colleen! We are grateful for you! 

✨  UNO Souls are beacons of light in our community that can be guides for how to cope through this collective moment of change. I would love to chat with you – please reach out! I honor the light in all of you. 🙏🏽💕

✨  Find us on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook at @UNOsouls! You can also visit us at unosouls.com. #UNOSouls Chat #podcast is on Apple Podcasts, Pandora and more!

#meditation #health #human #relaxation #aware #poetry #wellbeing

UNO Souls is a wellbeing organization that centers and nurtures each person so they may blossom into their fuller self. ✨