Many writers don't know the fundamentals of process and mindset management, which results in unnecessary struggle, doubt, and despair. Even worse, they start to believe that if they were only a "better writer" the journey would be easier. That kind of inner critic thinking further dents their confidence.

Fueled by the belief that the writing adventure doesn’t have to be so hard, Christine Carron launched her company Goodjelly in 2021. To do so, she combined her love of writing with 25 years of experience as a process improvement expert and project manager.

The Jam Experience, Goodjelly's multi-signature small-group coaching program, teaches writers how to cultivate flow, handle blocks with ease, build their confidence, and make consistent writing progress. The results have been transformative.

Christine also blogs weekly, furthering her mission to help as many writers as possible take charge of their writing adventure using the three pillars of Goodjelly: Smart Process, Grounded Power, and Inner Kindness.

Today's Interview Topics

·     Sustainable creative productivity

·     Total Writing Work Management

·     Handling your Inner Critic Goodjelly-style

·     How to delight in your creative process

·     Building creative momentum

·     Cultivating a productive mindset

·     Agile for Artists

Questions we explore:

·     What are the 3 keys to unlock sustainable creative productivity?

·     What are the three pillars of consistent writerly progress?

·     What is invisible work and how does it mess with creative momentum?

·     What is code and context and how do those two concepts impact your creative productivity?

·     What are some creative productivity styles and why is it important that writers know (and embrace) their productivity style?

·     What is one no-fail way to get out of a writing slump?

·     What is a "Done Boost" and why should writers want a lot of them?

·     How can writers work through any writing block?

Discover more in these articles

Christine's Website

@leagueofgoodjelly on Instagram

Copyright 2024 Mark Stinson