Kimberly, Sonia, and Jonathan answer a question from Davin in New York City:

“I want to learn more about Power in business. Why do some people have it and others do not?”

Sonia shares a resource, titled Power by Jeffrey Pfeffer which provides a road map for Davin.

Kimberly advises Davin about “referent power” and how it works. 

 Jonathan coaches Davin on the three sources of power and what happens when you apply relational power.

And that is barely the beginning!

Kimberly Layne leads Performance Leadership Intl , wrote Connections Change Everything and hosts The Power of Connection on YouTube. Reach out to Kimberly here.

Sonia Jeantet runs CIMA Executive Development and is the author of The Integrative Leader. Be in touch with Sonia here.

Jonathan Ward is the co-Author of Through the Glass Ceiling to the Stars; The Story of the First American Woman to Command a Space Mission, and Space Historian, Viking Resident Astronomer, Executive Coach, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. About Jonathan. You can contact Jonathan here Jonathan Ward, FRAS, PCC | LinkedIn

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Next month there will more ideas for how you can unlock your leadership. See you then!

You can submit a question to the coaches here.

From all of us here, thanks for listening!