Released in early February, We Are Chicago is a serious game with serious goals: to put players in the shoes of a teenager amid the problems of Chicago's South Side. As Aaron you navigate the landscape of gangs, high school, family dynamics, and a part-time job.

Structured almost identically to a Telltale game, you are presented with dialog choices in sometimes difficult situations.

But for us, the game didn't live up to its lofty goals.

Bugs, strange narrative choices, and some fundamental structural issues distracted and took away from what might otherwise have been a real chance to put ourselves in a world we'd never otherwise encounter. While we salute what the game was trying to do, hopefully future games will be able to execute just a little bit better.

We Are Chicago is $14.99 on Steam.

Games Mentioned in this Episode

Oregon Trail

Organ Trail

Papers, Please

Life is Strange

Space Quest 4

Persona 4

The Darkness

Telltale's Batman

Mr. Robot (featured back in episode 3)

Show Notes & Links

Polygon's 2014 feature on We Are Chicago

The YouTube playthrough of We Are Chicago that Chad watched