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Are you ready to turn the intricacies of intercultural meetings from minefields into gold mines?

Let's embark on this journey together with, Marco Blankenburgh, the International Director of KnowledgeWorkx. We'll interrogate the challenges of cultural nuances in meeting spaces, and how to navigate the virtual and face-to-face interactions in our current work environment. Get ready to learn from Microsoft's intriguing research on how the pandemic has modified meeting dynamics and how to foster a space where everyone is valued and can contribute freely.

In our enlightening conversation, we delve into effective strategies to engage all participants in intercultural meetings and boost the overall structure. Marco will share the secrets behind a successful meeting - from preparation to the selection of a moderator. He'll also delve into the understanding of how cultural dynamics play a crucial role in affecting the contributions of certain individuals. Intrigued by the use of CC and BCC in intercultural meetings? We'll unravel the intricacies of this, and the subtle communication nuances that take place before and after these meetings.

This episode promises to change the way you approach your next intercultural meeting. Don't miss it!

In this episode, you will learn:

What to do before a meeting to make sure it is effective.How to lead meetings that include everyone regardless of their cultural background.How to use meetings to increase your productivity.

Learn More about:

 Grow Your Intercultural Team Into a High-Performing One Three Principles of Communication for Virtual Teams Creating Great Intercultural Teams Through Relationships 

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