When your soul and your spirit come together and make a contract, you step into your power. Your soul and your spirit combine and together it creates a new powerful energy. Some people call this “being on your dime” or “living your life’s purpose”. We can call it many things, but sometimes it’s just a matter of playing to your spiritual strengths.

So if you’ve ever wondered whether you’re in your full spiritual power, I’d like to present to you what I call the “Soul-Spirit Exercise”. It’s one of my favorites, and almost always leaves the people at my workshops with an a-ha moment.

When you know what your purpose in life is, when you’re completely honest about this, everything begins to snap into place. There’s a saying, “When our soul meets our spirit, and we form a contract … that is power.”

There are four steps to this simple Soul-Spirit Contract: uncovering your own unique energy characteristics, identifying specifically how you like to express these energies out in the world, pinpointing how you’d love others to experience life, and finally, combining these three elements into your Contract.

Knowing that your soul has a purpose here, and knowing your own strengths, you’re able to make a contract between your soul and your spirit … and step into your authentic power!

Want more?

In this week’s episode, you’ll also learn:

That fear is testing your spirit for life  The difference between “soul” and “spirit” Why “being-ness without fear” is so important

These are spiritual lessons with a practical edge. You can also listen in for the short exercise that’s designed to help you implement this week’s topic.

If you’re someone who has the audacity … the willingness to take bold risks … then you can use the powers of alchemy to transform challenges into positive new successes starting today!

What’s next?

Reserve your ticket for the upcoming Success Circle Workshop. Our programs fill up fast, and seats are limited, so grab your spot now: http://successcircleworkshops.com/


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