You're meant to rise above the ashes

– How to purify your soul after a spiritual injury –


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We know we’re supposed to find joy in the journey. But it's not always that easy with some of our more challenging experiences (especially a spiritual injury). But remember, we signed up for these challenges before we came here to this planet so we could learn to overcome them.

Maybe you've been screaming to the heavens, “If you want me to be so happy … if you want me to find joy in the journey … then don’t put a bunch of you-know-what on my path!”

Yes, we ARE meant to rise above the ashes and overcome our challenges. But how exactly? How can we purify ourselves of these experiences? How can we get back to that pure positive light where all the good stuff is?

This episode is for you if you wonder:

. The most productive way to use contemplation and not just obsess over a betrayal

. How to set a personal policy that can serve you really well so you don’t have to hide from things or people that can hurt you

. How to easily rise to your potential

If you’re curious how to rise above the ashes, check out today’s episode! 

You might also enjoy last week’s episode:


Grab Your FREE Guide on How to Outmaneuver ANY Dilemma:

We are an awesome gathering place for extraordinary souls with big-ass dreams who are RIDICULOUSLY unsatisfied with status quo … and are seeking answers about how to dissolve the obstacles in our path so we can literally bring success TO us.


Your host: Rémy Chaussé

Best-selling Author and

Creator of The Get UNstuck Revolution!


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