We sometimes wonder why life … or this situation we’re in … won’t change. We try this, and we try that, and no matter what, we just seem to be STUCK. And this is where I take exception to a lot of the coaches out there who just encourage action. Because if our energy and mindset aren’t straight, all the action in the world won’t matter.

So how do we change the momentum? How do we get life to change if we can’t take action?

It’s actually the underlying energy that’s beneath the situation. We think we’re stuck in the situation … but we’re really stuck in the resistance about the situation. It’s our energy that’s become stuck in resistance.

It makes us so crazy to feel so powerless. And we scream at the heavens, “Tell me what to DO, so I can just move on!” We don’t realize that we’ve been giving secret instructions to the universe, and since we don’t realize it, we’re clueless how to turn things around.

Regardless of our situation, we have to direct the underlying energy (our thoughts) toward a positive outcome, even if we don’t know what that outcome is yet. But how?

In this episode, I’ll give you ONE powerful strategy to change the underlying energy … and then the actions you’d like to take toward a better life will have much more impact.

Want more?

This episode is for you if you wonder:

How to get out of resistance, so that you can get your situation to change Where to put your focus FIRST when you’re ready for life to change Where the REAL power is in the universe (because isn’t that always the best place to look?)

These are spiritual lessons with a practical edge. You can also listen in for the short exercise that’s designed to help you implement this week’s topic.

If you’re someone who has the audacity … the willingness to take bold risks … then you can use the powers of alchemy to transform challenges into positive new successes starting today! 

What’s next?

Reserve your ticket for the upcoming Success Circle Workshop. Our programs fill up fast, and seats are limited, so grab your spot now: http://successcircleworkshops.com/


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