I believe that while we all have at least one true passion in life … more than that, we have a purpose for being here. We weren’t put on this earth to struggle. We were given one unique strength and that uniqueness IS our life purpose.  But most people don’t know how to uncover this uniqueness.

Now, I don’t want you to get too hung up on the idea that your purpose is something outside of you. Who you’re “being” is just as important as what you’re doing. Until you feel like you’ve uncovered your true life purpose … until you feel like you know 100% what you should be DOing … why wouldn’t you develop your beingness in the meantime? After all, your life purpose will encompass both who you came here to be and what you came here to do.

You can easily express your beingness. Think of those qualities that you admire most, think of the strengths that you already have within you, and let thosebe developed as you continue to look for what you came here to accomplish. Live on-purpose for now by expressing the strengths that are already within you.

When you can live from a position of strength, where you’re using your greateststrengths, then you expand your possibilities ... you can overcome challenges. You can even challenge what’s possiblewhen you’re aligned with your own unique strengths.

Want more?

In this week’s episode, you’ll also learn:


How to uncover your unique purpose in life Havingpassion means bringingpassion to everything you do If you can’t smile about what you’re doing, that’s a clue for a course-correction


These are spiritual lessons with a practical edge. You can also listen in for the short exercisethat’s designed to help you implement this week’s topic.


If you’re someone who has the audacity… the willingness to take bold risks… then you can use the powers of alchemy to transform challenges into positive new successesstarting today!