Path to Prosperity

-- How to Make More Money FAST --



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Do you ever find yourself thinking, “I KNOW I should be making more money” … and yet it just isn’t showing up?


What I’m sharing with you here applies to business owners, corporate jobs and even relationships. So we could be talking about the currency of revenue, but we could also be talking about the currency of love. It’s a current … in other words … what we’re really talking about is energy. And more specifically, we’re talking about the energy underneath a situation.


We often know the brilliance we bring to the table ... we’re experienced, we’re confident, we get fantastic results in our work … so why do we struggle so much in bringing in the revenue? We KNOW we should be making more money! When we’re feeling deeply, painfully and hopelessly stuck in a lack of revenue, it’s just so frustrating! In this episode, I’ll show you how to create big money, and what to do when it just isn’t showing up yet!


3 Takeaways:


1) There’s only one reason we don’t have prosperity, and that’s because we’re focused on lack.


2) Everything gets created energetically first. And THEN it comes into physical reality. So if we’re thinking about what we don’t have, that vibration of what we don’t have creates our reality.


3) There’s really no difference in where we are now and where we want to be … it’s simply a matter of perspective. When our perspective is all about what we don’t have yet, we’re sitting in an illusion that’s asking us to step up to a higher perspective.


The biggest mistake to avoid? Negative emotions are always an indicator that we’re in resistance. The good news is, when we realize we’re in negativity, it’s our signal to change the energy. We want to get the energy into positivity FIRST, so that we’re helping our vision move toward manifestation.


You might also enjoy last week’s episode:




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We are an awesome gathering place for extraordinary souls with big-ass dreams who are RIDICULOUSLY unsatisfied with status quo … and are seeking answers about how to dissolve the obstacles in our path so we can literally bring success TO us.



Your host: Rémy Chaussé

Best-selling Author and

Creator of The Get UNstuck Revolution!



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