– How to Overcome Obsessive Thoughts –

The voices of the mind are indeed a meddlesome bunch. What can we do with those vacillating thoughts that argue with one another, and can distract and de-rail even the highest-powered executive?

Life has its events, and it’s how we react to these events that remind us of our free will. We have CHOICE in how we react and respond. Will we express gratitude for the opportunity to grow and expand? Or will we allow the mind chatter of the ego to take over and open the doors to a circus inside our heads?

Ego is there to shield us from our deepest darkest fears. Whatever life event we’re struggling with is not the cause of our suffering. Is that worth repeating? Yes!

Whatever life event we’re struggling with is NOT the cause of our suffering.

What causes our suffering are the intrusive thoughts of our “Monkey Mind”. Monkey Mind thrives on negative thoughts and creates an energy so negative we literally become stuck. But remember … it’s never the situation… it’s our energy that becomes stuck.

How do we combat Monkey Mind? Especially when it becomes a power all its own?

My favorite tool is to use positive thoughts. It may seem very old school, but positive thoughts are accelerators. They speed up a positive outcome. Using this tool, we can fuel ambitions in a way that nothing else compares. The more positive thoughts we can dream up, we begin to disempower Monkey Mind.

A life without Monkey Mind? What a relief!