– What to do when the universe is moving at a snail’s pace  –

Do you ever find yourself in limbo … in that in-between place of knowing what you want, but it hasn’t shown up yet? There’s something you’re trying to create, but the universe seems to be moving at a snail’s pace. In that place between what you want, and waiting for its arrival, you often find yourself in doubt and indecision, and you sometimes end up feeling completely defeated.

Jackson Pruitt is a finance manager for a luxury dealership, and he was in exactly this situation. Not only is he goal-oriented, but financial targets are routinely encouraged at work. Walking the tight rope of what he wants to create and how he can speed up the process is a common theme for him (and anyone in sales or entrepreneurship).

Before talking about how we can speed things up, it helps to understand the anatomy of how things are manifested, so that what we want can come to fruition.

This understanding begins with the knowledge there are two kinds of reality … vibrational reality and physical reality. The moment we crystallize an idea or a goal, it moves into vibrational reality. We might also call this the pool of possibilities … a holding tank … or a spiritual vault.

The point is, yes, there’s a physical reality in things that we can see, and touch, and feel. But our manifestations are created in vibrational reality first, before they manifest into a physical experience.

So how do we speed up our results? Well, the first thing we have to do is put our desire into vibrational reality. And this is exactly what Jackson did. He began with a simple, clear thought about his desire.

Here’s the anatomy of how things go from desire to manifestation:

Thoughts create reality.
It’s an exact science.
And failure is impossible.
So think onlythoughts of your desired outcome.

Our thoughts create a concept of what we want. When we think that thought, it instantly crystallizes in vibrational reality. Our only job at that point is to allow our desires to come TO us.

To speed up our results, the secret is to begin with a positive vibration. The strategy for doing this, as well as how to get past our doubts, worries, frustrations and impatience that can block our manifestations, are detailed further in this week’s episode, so tune in!