How can you get out of your own way to find the strength you didn’t even know you had? I’ve often had clients say to me, “I don’t know how to just get over myself so I can get UNstuck, find more success or, at the very least, have a little fun.”

The universe tends to throw everyday challenges our way. But what if we created our own challenges?  The universe just might find it impossible to send us its challenges if we’re busy creating our own! 

I know that anytime I've had a breakthrough in life (and this has been one of my biggest success secrets), it was because I did something I just didn’t think I could do in a million years. I did something that seemed impossible. 

In this episode, we’ll talk about how to get one blessing after another snowballing in your life, simply by moving into your own most natural energy so that you can do the impossible.

Want more?

This episode is for you if you wonder:


How to find the strength inside you How overcome the challenges that the universe throws at you How to break out of most ANY unwanted cycle

These are spiritual lessons with a practical edge. You can also listen in for the short exercise that’s designed to help you implement this week’s topic.

If you’re someone who has the audacity … the willingness to take bold risks … then you can use the powers of alchemy to transform challenges into positive new successes starting today! 

What’s next?

Reserve your ticket for the upcoming Success Circle Workshop. Our programs fill up fast, and seats are limited, so grab your spot now:


We love hearing from you!  Simply send an email to [email protected]. We’ll answer as many questions as we can on the podcast, and you’ll also receive a private answer by email.