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How are you showing up in the world?
Are you showing up as your best self?
Do you even know who your best self IS?
Who do you want to become?

These are all important questions to think about! Maybe your answers will reflect what you’ve already learned about yourself along the way … and maybe you’re ready for some new insights.

Life isn’t one long string of successes. There WILL be challenges that ask us to step up ... and there WILL be challenges that may invite us into a dark place. Sometimes we use distractions because those in between places are a bit uncomfortable. And often, that place of being uncomfortable is because we don’t really know who we are as our best self.

So how can we begin to experience more and more successes? How can we lessen our challenges, which by nature are designed to help us find our best selves in the first place?

This episode is for you if you wonder:

• How to show up as your best self, even if you aren’t sure what that means yet

• What kind of ripple effect you can create (both good and bad)

• Where you can make a difference, even in the smallest way

If you’re insanely interested in showing up in life as your best self, then check out today’s episode!

You might also enjoy last week’s episode:


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We are an awesome gathering place for extraordinary souls with big-ass dreams who are RIDICULOUSLY unsatisfied with status quo … and are seeking answers about how to dissolve the obstacles in our path so we can literally bring success TO us.

Your host: Rémy Chaussé
Best-selling Author and
Creator of The Get UNstuck Revolution!

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