Rick Torrison

Founder of Right Now Leadership LLC & Revival Rivers Non-Profit

Dedicated to empowering leaders and organizations. Offers specialized coaching and growth strategies.

Professional Background

Over 25 years of experience with Fortune 500 companies and solopreneurs. International speaker and certified Success & John C. Maxwell coach. Expertise in helping individuals and organizations overcome limiting beliefs.

Recent Work

Author of the book "Born Limitless." Focuses on the power of limiting beliefs. Part of his proprietary coaching method. Addresses how to break free from self-imposed limitations to reach full potential.

Coaching and Speaking

Coaches leaders and organizations on personal and professional growth. Helps cultivate an infinite mindset and unleash true identity.

Personal Life

Former educator and coach. Married to Melinda for 33 years. Father of two adopted children, Cody (29) and Emily (25).


Believes everyone was born limitless. Committed to helping people and organizations achieve their limitless potential. Key Takeaways

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Understanding and addressing the internal ceilings we create. Strategies to break through barriers and achieve growth.

Infinite Mindset

Importance of cultivating an infinite mindset. Techniques to unleash one's true identity and potential.

Personal Growth

The role of personal identity in professional success. Insights from Rick’s experience and coaching methods. Social Media

@ricktorrison linkedIn, |G, Facebook