People become more connected as a result of communication. Communication is a crucial management function intertwined with all other management responsibilities. It closes the gap between individuals and groups by facilitating the exchange of information and understanding. Is it, nevertheless, possible to exploit it to one's advantage? In this episode, Dr. David Snyder will show you how to utilize language as a tool to effectively communicate your objectives and desires to others with guaranteed success.

Standout Quotes:

“When you have sincerity when you have a connection. When people are in rapport with you, when they have affinity with you, they lose, they lose the ability to analyze, and judge what you're saying in proportion to the amount of rapport that they have.” [David]
“The more rapport that you have with somebody, the less they want to analyze, criticize, or judge they just want to go along to get along.” [David]
“All beliefs are stated in cause and effect terms. Anything spoken in this term as the structure of belief, the brain pays attention to the structure first, and then everything second. And all the brain really cares about is that what you're saying is plausible.” [David]

Key Takeaways:

When you start employing hypnotic language, especially the patterns, the number seven plus or minus two reduces to around three, indicating that you can track roughly three units of information before being overwhelmed. And they stop trying to figure out what is being said. It creates a pleasurable feeling of cognitive overload or absorption while diminishing a person's ability to dispute or assess what is stated.
The cause-and-effect pattern is incredibly captivating. It is likely the second most potent hypnotic language pattern since it establishes causal links between seemingly unrelated topics.
As you better understand the power of cause and effect and how it reflects the structure of internal belief, you'll find yourself using it more strategically. To create effective causal relationships that direct your subject's mind to do what you want them to do in a way that appears completely natural and organic yet is hypnotically powerful and nearly impossible to resist.

Episode Timeline:

[02:36] The Presuppositional language

[04:17] The Echo Technique

[11:18] Complex Equivalence

[13:26] The Four Language Pattern

[21:41] The Nonconforming Gender

[37:11] The Criterion Values

[48:45] Charisma

Learn more about Dr. David Snyder and NPL Power at:






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