Dr. David Snyder will be going to deep dive into the beautiful world of non-verbal influence. He will show us a framework to help you organize everything you want, see, and understand body language and other types of non-linguistic phenomenon tonality we would consider non-verbal.

He will show us how body language and non-verbal cues make a massive difference in attraction and psychology. Let’s deep dive into the beautiful art of body language and see how it triggers and changes what comes out of your mouth.

Standout Quotes:

● “Comfort and Discomfort are two of the big things that we need to look at when we start to work with body language.”

● “If what you’re presenting doesn’t fit the map of the person receiving, that’s the response that you get that is the unconscious response that you get.”

● “What you do with your body, what you teach your clients to do with their body will dramatically change your treatment outcomes. It’ll dramatically change the results you produce in the field with the same technique.”

Key Takeaways:

● Non-verbal cues make a huge difference in how your words get to the person. Posture and breathing significantly affect perspective, and words are nothing if you are acting wrong.

● Body language can interpret different outcomes. Even when you say the right words, if you are acting wrong, it will dramatically change the course of the conversation.

● At the end of the day, the reptile runs towards things that make it feel good runs away from the things that make it feel bad.

● State change and the information in the environment that you pay attention to changes to anything that reignites or reinstalls or keeps the state you’re in. It dramatically affects how you act, how you decide, and everything a human being does in response to a feeling to a body.

●  Everything that grows is seeking more than it is seeking to connect. This is the reason why we tend to band together in groups.

● Social status is a “Reptilian Response”; acceptance or rejection by the group is analogous to survival or extinction. This is why when you demonstrate more status in a person’s world, they become more suggestible even if they don’t want to.

● The feeling that you generate and people and the response that you get is well worth it. Your action generates triggers to what the response is.

Episode Timeline:

[00:46] Micro Expressions

[02:40] Change your tonality

[08:20] The Outlier for the Report Continual

[16:03] Ventral Orientation

[23:43] The False Time Constraint

[23:00] Zeigarnik Effect

[32:37 How Environmental Context can overwhelm your critical factor

[39:00] Social Status affects your reptile brain

[40:50] Your body language

[44:16] Open Heart Trust Trigger

[42:40] Techniques and tips from David Snyder

[46:15] Final words from David Snyder

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