Welcome to the Secrets of Personal Transformation. Dr. Snyder is going to demonstrate the Identity by Design Process and the Hierarchy of Beliefs. He is also going to talk about how our feelings and emotions are connected to the things we and do in our life. Listen to this episode to learn more! You will surely be transformed!

Standout Quotes:

“Everything human beings do is involved in some kind of structure. Like a program that runs on a computer, but you're better than a computer. In fact, computers wish they can be as cool as human beings.”
“The most important person you need to learn to influence is yourself. Once you learn the ability to alter and control your own state, you now have the keys to the kingdom. You have the ability to gain rapport, connect, and bond with anyone you want.”
“Addressing yourself and the aspects of your unconscious mind allows you to rewrite who you want to be. You can become the person that you want rather than the person that culture, family, religion, and peer pressure programmed you to become.”

Key Takeaways

Once you know how you influence yourself, once you have the ability to alter and control your own state, you now have the keys to your kingdom. You have the ability to gain rapport and connection with anyone you want to bond with. You can have people do what you want them to do and like you for it.
Human beings moved through the world, basically governed by a checklist. These checklists are connected to emotions. And these emotions are what drive our action and identity.
What we do is in relation to what we want. And what we want is connected to feeling. When you talk about why you are doing the things that you are doing now, you’re going to generate body feelings, and they’re going to be emotions connected to that.
Whether you consciously realize it or not, there is not a single thing that human beings do that you do that doesn’t have a value and belief structure connected to it.

Episode Timeline:

[05:17] Webinar Format and Agenda

[07:29] Who is Dr. David Snyder?

[11:55] What do Dr. Snyder’s Achievements and Certifications have to do with Health, Wealth, Success, and Happiness?

[13:13] The Primary Coding System

[16:00] Is this the Right Class for you?

[18:15] What you will learn from Dr. Snyder

[20:08] What do you want to learn from Dr. Snyder?

[21:58] The Identity by Design Process

[27:31] Trait Installation

[29:48] The Two Most Important Factors to Becoming Successful

[31:01] The Emotional Motivation Checklist

[35:00] Understanding Emotion

[37:45] Tapping into your Values

[40:34] Speaking what you Desire Out Loud

[42:54] How to Manifest Things in your Life

[45:13] The Hierarchy of Beliefs

[46:52] Identity Statements