Standout Quotes:

· "If your content and the experience you've delivered are strong enough, they will beat a path to your door. The way you get somebody excited to come back is to make an amazing experience for them. Make the experience so amazing, fulfilling, and useful that they can't wait to come back."

· "You have to step into their shoes, live life through their skin, and identify their pain. As a meetup presenter, you don't want to talk to everybody. You want to speak only to the people who most need and want your product or service. If you try to talk to everyone, you'll talk to no one."

· "You've got to know what content you want to deliver. And before you can do content, know who you want to talk to. Know who your audience is and identify the problems they have."

Key Takeaways:

· There is a system connected by universal laws. And principles create the laws, so the higher we become identified in rapport, the more our vessel can flow energy through us, and we become more like the energies we channel. This is the process of spiritual growth and empowerment. So get rapport with the thing you want to be most like.

· In meetups, people are looking for free stuff and expecting a sales pitch. So you have to give them useful consumable information in an enjoyable, entertaining format they can take right out into the field and use right away. And you have to demonstrate that it works in front of them.

· If you are giving your audience a great experience, they will come back. You don’t have to suggest that they come back because if your content and the experience you’ve delivered are strong enough, they will come back.

· The way you get somebody excited to come back to your meetup is you make the experience amazing. You have to step into their shoes and live life through their skin. Figure out what kind of language you can use to get their attention. Speak only to the people who most need and want your message, product, or service.

· When you care more about making sure your audience has an amazing experience, you won’t care or think about how afraid you are in speaking, whether they like you or not, because you’ll be focused on something other than yourself.

Episode Timeline:

[02:21] Kabbalistic Energy Work

[04:48] A System Connected by Universal Principles

[07:25] Meetups and Public Speaking

[08:49] The Secret to Meetups

[12:24] Things to Understand with Meetups

[14:26] Building Compliance at the Beginning of Meetups

[15:39] Priming and Getting Permission to Present your Content

[16:14] How you can get your audience to come back to your Meetups

[19:27] Authority Sites

[20:42] The Structure of Meetups

[24:11] The Three Categories of Clients

[26:53] Securing your Leads

[30:07] Seeding

[33:34] Creating Amazing Experiences for your audience

[37:03] The Feline Philosophy and Dog Philosophy

[38:43] Love your Audience

[40:42] Mudra for Removing Fear

[42:52] How to get to the Unconscious Mind with Metaphors and Storytelling

[44:43] Two Elements of a Story that you have to Focus on

[47:15] CPI Masterclasses

[52:31] Teaser for the CPI 2 Manual