In this episode of the NLP Power Master Mind Mentoring, our guest is David Snyder. He is a globally famous hypnotherapist who trains hypnotists. Personal development, advanced personality modification, and quick emotional state shift are all areas of expertise of David. David shares the story behind how facial structure composition correlates with personality.

Standout Quotes:

“As hypnotist, we can accelerate this process, especially if you're using identity by design, we can go in we can clear all the blocks to taking action to begin with. You just linked those habits together and then you can create whole chains and sequences of that based on what something you've already linked in.” [David]
“If I have to choose between creating a resource through imagination, or tapping into a pre-existing resource based on a memory or series of experiences, I go with the series of experiences first. I can still use the imagined resource but I got to use a lot more repetition and emotion to get it to work. [David]
"When you start working with people, and unpacking the emotions and markings of the face, their faces change. [David]
“The more rapport we become, the more our outer filters start to align, the more we have the same refractions. The more the features are similar in nature, the more compatible they tend to be. “[David]

Key Takeaways:

One of the central tenets of NLP is that clients possess all of the resources necessary to effect any change they desire.
On the off chance that David need to pick between making an asset through a creative mind or taking advantage of a prior asset dependent on memory or a series of encounters, He'd go with the series of meetings first.
Face reading is an ancient Chinese medical technique. The opening page of several early texts on Chinese medicine depicts all the facial markings that were formerly a genuine type of Chinese medical diagnosis and are still used in more traditional methods.

Episode Timeline:

[00:55] What is the Procrastination Breaking Tool?

[1:37] What is the book Atomic Habits all about?

[3:05] How does a Domino Effect gets triggered?

[03:49] How can using identity by design accelerate the processes?

[04:44] What are Neurological Pathways?

[06:08] Why should you link something on what you are doing?

[08:21] What is the oldest element of Chinese Medicine?

[10:05] What is a Filter?

[11:52] How do we acquire the same refraction with others?

[12:59] What function does Human Neurology play?

[14:37] What are these three zones in the head?

[15:36] What part of the face represents your private side?

[16:11] Are most people dominant in the right eye?

[17:14] What are asymmetrical faces?

[18:31] What zone represents your mental zone?

[19:26] Who are these data crunchers?

[20:01] Who are these people who are extremely practical and pragmatic?

[20:53] What personality do people with a strong lower zone have?

[22:50] What does having robust cheekbones mean?

[25:24] What is Physiognomy?

[27:33] How does having a solid jawline related to having great willpower?

[28:35] Why is it considered problematic when you develop many bones in the lower zone?

[29:28] What traits do people having a soft jawline have?

[30:52] What traits do “squareheads” possess?

Learn more about David Snyder and the NLP Power at:




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