In this episode, Dr. David Snyder will continue to discuss the How to Reprogram Your Unconscious Mind.  He will talk about the NLP Mastermind Training Program and how you can sign up FOR FREE. He also shares the special incentives of the program along with bonuses and the VIP Super ticket.

Standout Quotes:

“You can become the person that you want to be instead of the person that the universe conspired to be.”
“The person with the greatest influence skills gets the most stuff.”
“It’s never necessary to lie, cheat, steal, misrepresent or coerce anyone.”
“It’s the people who take action, who just got in the game but are ready fire aim are the ones that get the best stuff. They’re the ones that get the winner’s circle.”
“The fastest, most powerful way to get these skills into you is through our live events.”
“There is nothing in you that your unconscious mind does not influence.”
“The one thing you have the most control over is you.”
“If you want to gain control of something, you must disidentify from it.”
“Anything you identify with controls you. Anything you disidentify from, you gain control over.”

Key Takeaways:

Everything you do on the mindset level, spiritual level, and transpersonal level in manifesting what you want must have a physical corresponding and action that you must take that allows a vessel to be created, that the manifestations you’ve impregnated the universe with can fill.
One of the most important skills that you need to be successful in any society is exerting influence and persuasion.
Everything that Dr. David offers in the webinar comes with a 90 day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
The NLP power mastermind mentoring program is the world’s longest paid skill-building NLP practice group.
Most of what Dr. David has been doing clinically is utilizing the exact processes for health and healing.
If you have somebody to guide you through a process, you can be on the edge of losing control completely and still get powerful change.
IN NLP, it deals with two sets of language, which is the spoken language and the body language (Nervous System)
Anything we identify with, our body will fight to keep.

Episode Timeline:

[0:25] The Emotional Motivation Checklist

[3:29] Special Package and Offers (Secrets of Personality Transformation)

[6:25] Getting rid of the Safety Rules

[7:28] Voice of Authority

[8:11] Four Most Powerful Default Driver States that Exists

[10:00] The DNA and The Genetic Memory

[12:42] The Identity by Design Hypnotherapy Home Study Course

[14:35] Hidden Law of Attraction, Mind Magic, and Manifestation Made Easy Home Study Course

[18:28] What the programs are all about

[21:52] The ability that David wants to share

[23:12] David’s Favorite Course (Renegade Reframing)

[27:09] Review of the Programs and the Prices

Learn more about David Snyder at:




Learn more about the NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program and other courses at:

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