Have you been responsible for a past that has prevented you from confidently moving forward with your life? In this episode of Unlimited Influence, your host, David Snyder, reveals insights on reprograming our subconscious mind with specific types of visualization that effortlessly eliminate and alter code neurons. David begins to explore the secret structure of our memories and decipher the language through which we can decode our unconscious. You will learn some surprising spatial emotions and how to control your feelings. If you are bold enough to reprogram your primal programs right now, then read on for step-by-step ways to learn to control your life.

Standout Quotes:

"The power in you comes from integration, for understanding that every part is important. Every part has a role to play. And the moment you start removing pieces, you start losing power."
"Anything in front of you is open, active, running. You just don't know. But you're always accessing it because you gesture and talk with your hands."
"You can use this technique to make anything you want more intense, less intense, or completely unimportant."
"You have every right, privilege, permission, and authority to make any change you want for any reason."
"Your body gets better at what it does most often."
"Your neurology automatically prioritizes the most traumatic things on the planet.”

Key Takeaways:

Construct a bucket list to systematically deal with prior emotional issues from least to most intense using techniques like magic frames.
Add specific techniques to your daily routine. Repetition is key - the more you practice techniques regularly, daily if possible, the stronger they will become and allow for greater control over emotions in mind and body.
Use visualizations and physical actions to engage all components of the nervous system for peak performance.
Use the awareness that these processes enable you to create change in any way you want.
Notice physical and emotional shedding processes as a sign not to rush unconscious transformations.

Episode Timeline:

[00:25] What is the importance of soul searching and addressing physical and emotional issues through bodywork and massage therapy?

[5:56] What are the techniques for removing, changing, and adding things using the "magic frame" process?

[8:11] What is the concept of the "proprioceptive grid," and how does it relate to the heart's electromagnetic field?

[12:28] How can a visualization exercise be used to identify and manipulate emotions?

[15:35] How can emotional blockages be released through writing and neurological shedding?

[20:37] How does the mind organize memories and experiences?

[26:25] How can one tap into 80% of the power of a technique by using it as a daily drill, leading to neuroplasticity and increased pleasure?

[33:40] How does integrating all parts of the nervous system through language access personal subjective experience?

[39:40] What personal development techniques and bonuses are offered in the Self Mastery class?

[46:21] What self-work techniques can be used to overcome traumatic problems?

[51:05] What are the two ways to create a list of problems to dissolve using bucket listing, and how do they differ?

[56:18] How can intensity values be assigned to fears using a subscale method?

To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit:

Website: https://www.nlppower.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DavidSnyderNLP

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidsnydernlp