Physiognomy, often known as face reading, is the art of determining temperament and character based on external appearance and the facial features considered to reveal mental or personality attributes through their arrangement or expression. In this episode, Dr. David Snyder talks more about psychological tips on how you can understand others using Chinese face reading.

Standout Quotes:

“When you actually clear a trauma based on the markings on the face, those markings actually change, sometimes they fade away completely, sometimes you'll see a facial feature, literally get larger or broader that colorations will change.” [David]
“A lot of modern neuroscientists, as well as social psychologists are discovering the Large amounts of correlation between certain markings and architectures of the face with certain behavioral and emotional predispositions.” [David]
“The things we can see when we look at a person's gene, we can see their overall health, we can look at their lifestyle in their constitution, we can assess their trauma history, we can, we can see if they've inherited a lot of traits from their ancestors.” [David]
“There are certain more esoteric, little-known schools in China that say yes, it is possible to make more Jing but it's not easy. And you have to live a life lifestyle a certain way.” [David]

Key Takeaways: 

Chinese face reading has a long and illustrious history in Chinese medicine and throughout other regions of Asia, including Malaysia, Japan, and Korea.
Pattern recognition is the ability to see underlying patterns of thought, emotion, behavior, and movement in a process or person. It is based on cycles, rhythms, and practices within the human being and the microcosmos and macro cosmos.
Jing is a form of natural life force. It's like your body's material, energetic foundation; it builds your bones, soft tissues, and everything else. This material substance also contains the energy components, directions, and instructions for the material side of you, which we inherit from our parents.

Episode Timeline:

[10:00] Chinese Face Reading

[12:06] About Dr. David Snyder

[14:03] Pattern Recognition

[19:47] The Three Chinese Words

[20:28] The Three Elements in Face Reading

[22:36] The "Young Chang"

[27:49] The Shen

[34:28] The Taoist Approach

[41:31] The Pragmatics

[43:26] The book "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell

[49:46] The surface area of your brain

[50:50] The "Original Face."

[59:21] The Similarity Phenomenon and The Identification Phenomenon.

Learn more about Dr. David Snyder and NPL Power at:






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