Welcome to the Unlimited Influence: Reprogram your Subconscious Mind with Dr. David Snyder. Today, we will talk about the HIDDEN laws of attraction. Listen to this episode to learn how you can attract the things you want and have the life you desire.

Standout Quotes:

“I’m very critical not because NLP is bad or hypnosis is better or whatever, is that most of the people who learn it can’t use it.”
“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask.”
“The feelings in your body will pull events in your life that generate similar feelings. Not the event necessarily that you think. But the feeling.”
“If you learn to observe properly, the universe will reveal its secrets to you.”
“If you are waiting to be confident before you can do something, you will never start.”
“Failure is only possible when you set a time limit.”
“We don’t have any conscious connection to the way the world is. We only have a connection to the way the world should be.”
“Just develop relentless determination, and you’ll be successful.”

Key Takeaways:

All metaphysical disciplines and all religions that grew out of those disciplines come from “Hermetics.” They are based on the principles recorded by Hermes thousands of years ago that explains how the universe works.
We have two kinds of thoughts: One is the thoughts we know about, and the other is thoughts we don’t know about.
Our brain is the world’s largest, most powerful information processing network. It’s also the most obsessive-compulsive question answering mechanism on the planet.
The vibrations we put out to the universe are directly connected to the feelings in our bodies. Everything that manifests in your life is based on the feelings in your body.
The fastest way to change your feelings is to change your posture. Change your breathing. Not your thoughts because your physiology controls your psychology.
Our physiology always overwrites our psychology. So you can’t use the law of attraction effectively without changing your physiology. And you can’t access your feelings without changing your physiology.
As long as you have enough conscious self-awareness to consciously hold the posture, you can’t go into a bad state.

Episode Timeline:

[0:58] It’s a SHAM

[2:58] Hypnosis

[3:34] The Problem with the Methods of NLP

[4:54] Hermetics

[6:34] What does the Law of Attraction teach us?

[9:16] The thoughts we don’t know about

[10:41] The Rational Lying Brain

[14:06] Controlling our Feelings

[17:37] Story of the Chinese Horse

[20:52] Story about Obstacles

[23:29] Confidence

[25:31] Moving forward with relentless determination

[28:40] Exercise: Something you wanted

[31:34] The Foundation of what Dr. David is Teaching

[34:37] Emotional Shifts

[36:50] Emotional Refractory Period

[37:57] Can we eliminate the Emotional Refractory Period?

[38:57] The five traits that all lucky people share

[45:00] Studies about the five traits

Learn more about Dr. David Snyder

Website: https://www.nlppower.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdx6qLwpc98iDoNe-7BGHdA

Phone: 858-282-4663