Our guest today is Dorene Stockman, an insurance agent with the Owens Group, an independent agency.

Dorene helped me get my own insurance policy, and I thought she was very knowledgeable and a helpful advisor on that process, so I asked her to be on the show to share her advice for independent professionals on the types of coverage we need to consider getting.

In our conversation we discuss the types of coverage that are applicable to most independent professionals, namely:

Business owners insurance – closely related to General Liability policy Umbrella policy Professional liability policy Privacy / cyber policy

We discuss policies that independent professionals should consider getting if you hire an employee or engage a subcontractor, including

Workers comp Disability Unemployment insurance

For those independt professionals that serve on the board of a non-profit or for-profit, we discuss directors & officers insurance

Dorene also shares tips on how to select a broker, how often you should re-quote your policy, and how to work most effectively with a broker.

Dorene prepared a much more exhaustive list of policy types that are applicable to narrower groups of independent professionals – if you email me at [email protected] I’ll send you a copy

You can find Dorene’s firm at owensgroup.com

Reach Dorene at: [email protected]