In this episode I talk with Deb Laflamme, on how to use Social Media to get a deeper connection with your Dream Clients.  We talk all things social media and using it to grow your audience. Be sure to grab her 18 Tips about Content Creation @

About Deb Laflamme:

Deb Laflamme, Chief Ideaprenuer of For the Love of Your Biz supports a varied list of business industries, from retail to real estate, healers and lawyers, fitness and health coaches and hundreds of online entrepreneurs. Offering you creative ways to tell your story, her seminars and trainings are designed to meet you where you are today in your biz and to bring you success. Her extensive marketing and sales background, as well as her experience, being a small business owner, give her unparalleled knowledge and expertise to share. 

Her passion is to help you Market Your Biz Better™. 

Nothing makes Deb happier than guiding a business owner, or a small group, how to creatively market their biz [or brand] online. She offers one-on-one coaching,  intimate group mentorship programs, and group trainings & seminars. Her services (found on her website, ensure you have the time, the resources and the inspiration to market your biz better, and ultimately to have more time to love your biz. 

Website URL:

Instagram Name:  LoveYourBiz

Facebook Link:

Link to Freebie for you on Tips about Content Creation :


Let's Connect! 

IG: @angela_naumann 


FB Group:  Female Coach Connection 


Is your confidence level sabotaging your business???

Isn't it time to silence your inner mean girl and shift into being the courageous and confident CEO of your life and business. 

Grab your downloadable .pdf guide to gain...  

Learn what's holding you back from hitting your goals. (hint...It's not what you think.) Discover the habits you need to stop NOW before you tank your biz. 5 Steps to move from being self critical to Confident CEO so you can attract biz in a natural and fun way. 

Curious about Working with Me?  Book a free strategy call to see if coaching is your next best step::

If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I'd love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway.  Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your instagram stories and tag me. @angela_naumann 

Facebook Friends - Reach out! 

Did you know that success starts on the inside?

I believe that to BE a successful entrepreneur and networker you have to develop the mindset for a high achiever.   This means telling your inner mean girl to shut the f*ck up.   This is why I have created my 5 Steps to Silencing Your Inner Mean Girl Guide. This is designed to help you step into the mindset of the high performer and start cracking your unique code for success.  I want to show you how to manage that inner critic, so you can start to think, act and and get the results of the high perform  The best part, it is absolutely free.  Just visit, and grab your copy today.  Friend it is your time to unleash your success.  

About Angela:

I am a certified life coach and high performance mentor to women building their dream career and life. I help them implement a step by step system to:

Stop the Trash Talk in your head that is making you crazed Break through the glass ceiling you put on yourself (grab a hammer!), so you can reach the goals that always seem just out of reach. (Hello 6 figures) Manage the mean girl in your head so you can actually start hitting the big goals that just always seem out of reach.  (B*tch Doesn’t Stand a Chance)  Get clarity on your future, stopping the confusion on what to do next Ditch the overwhelm for harmony so you can actually enjoy the journey. Ditch the “I’m not good enough.” witchy inner critic so you can attract your soul mate clients and customers to you Find freedom from people pleasing, perfectionism and being a control freak. (Don’t just hide the crazy, be free!) Build a life you don’t need to numb your way through Drop the half-*ss habits that are sabotaging your business and establish success habits that will actually move you into high performance. Move into a high achievers mindset and start BEing  a Courageous, Confident Coach of your life.