What is motivation and why do we need it? Why do some people experience high and low levels of motivation? Is motivation the ultimate fuel behind everything we want in life? Why do some people have more motivation while the vast majority struggle? The fact is we all have motives behind everything we want in life:

1. The motive to succeed

2. The motive to make money

3. The motive to create family and love

4. The motive to have health & physical well being ....And at times when we find it very difficult to get what we want, we lose motivation. So how do we recreate or increase motivation? The higher the pain for whatever it is that you want, the higher the motivation goes up. If you want something and yet you have not accomplished it, its because you don't want it bad enough and the pain of not getting it is not strong enough.

In order to increase motivation, you need to amplify the pain in your head. What is going to be the consequences of not having whatever it is that you want? Who is going to get affected by it if you don't achieve it? The pain needs to be amplified ten times more in your head. Also, think about a time when you did have motivation. What were the reasons behind it and why you achieved what you achieved? What were your inner reasons for it? When you find the answers to the above questions then you can increase your motivation again.

For more videos on personal development please visit my website at www.marynawabi.com Mental Toughness Coach Real Estate Team Building & Leadership 925-408-7647 Mary brings almost 2 decades of real estate experience and fifteen thousand hours of coaching on the psychology of success & happiness. She is a Tony Robbins Certified Strategic Interventionist and John C. Maxwell Leadership Coach.