You can subscribe and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at .


0:40 "That thing doesn't work .... because I didn't do the work."


1:25 "Cardio exercise doesn't work for fat loss."


2:35 Context matters.


3:15 Jasper is the BEST artificial intelligence (AI) intelligence copywriting tool available for sales and marketing, period. .


4:21 If you swing a hammer from the other end, of course it doesn't work very well.


5:55 Success takes time.


6:45 Don't skip the instructions or onboarding processes and procedures.


6:56 "Avoid Perfectionism with This One Simple Mindset Shift" - Episode 123 of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast with Dave Gambrill. .


8:25 Unless you understand the situation, it's really hard to pick the proper tool to help you.


11:00 Are you asking the right questions?


12:15 "I did that thing you said with that tool you said to use and it worked! Amazing right?!"


12:40 Comprehensive Resource Guide for Digital Entrepreneurs .


18:30 Have you tried it?


20:15 Find trusted people, who know what they are doing, to give you the proper guidance. 


21:33 We often know what to do, we just don't do what we know. 


22:35 Right tool for the right job.


. . . . . . . . 


Want some help deciding what tech tools to use in your business? Check out Tech Tools Tuesday. .


Come join the conversation in our communities...


Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group .


Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel .


And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me to cover in future episodes over on Instagram. .



#unleashawesome #mindset #excuses #decisions #riskreward #thatdoesntwork #thatdidntwork #toolset #entrepreneur #success #skillset #digitalmarketing #coaching #aicopywriting #ai #jasper #copywriting #trainer #creatoreconomy #lifelonglearning #systems #gambrill #davegambrill #success #sidehustle #personalbrand #goals #resourceguide #coach #entrepreneur




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