Next Episode: You Better Love It

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0:55 Information should come to you and flow through you.


1:45 What do you give away for free and what should you charge for? Generally you can give away the "what" and the "why" and sell the "how".


2:45 People look to you not only for your knowledge, but for the community you create and how you help the navigate that information.


3:08 The Tim Ferriss Show .


4:09 Share the ball.


7:40 Jeff Walker and the Joint Venture Launch (JV) .


9:50 Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset


Want some help deciding what tech tools to use in your business? Check out Tech Tools Tuesday. .


Come join the conversation in our communities...


Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group .


Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel .


And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me cover in future episodes over on Instagram. .



#unleashawesome #johncmaxwell #davegambrill #abundance #scarcity #techtools #entrepreneur #success #plf #plc #mindset #skillset  #river #digitalmarketing #jmtdna  #toolset  #productlaunch #digitalceo #mentorship #corporatetrainer #onlinecourses  #framework #growthepie #launchblueprint #10x #funnelhacker #kajabi #reservoir #sharetheball #speaker #trainer #coach #consultant #10x


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