The murder of George Floyd in May 2020 stunned United Methodist people everywhere including the members of St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Indianapolis. Many members called for a response from the church and Senior Pastor Fuquay and Associate Pastor Nicole Caldwell-Gross responded by developing a message series and other resources on understanding biblical justice as a starting point to respond to institutional racism.

These resources included a website which contains blog posts and resources targeted toward eliminating racism. Indiana Area Bishop Julius Trimble joins Rev. Dr. Brad Miller in a conversation with these two pastors about what led to the creation of the sermons series and resources and the greater vision they have to serve church leaders to respond to institutional racism in their churches and communities.

The emphasis of the messages and resources are particularly targeted toward seeking greater understanding scriptural references on justice and the meaningfulness of biblical justice as a starting point in responding to institutional racism in comparison to cultural or societal starting points to justice.

Episode 39 of The United Methodist People Podcast can be a great resource to pastors and church leaders looking to respond to racism and matters of injustice in their communities and congregations with a starting point of the Bible as a starting point.

The mission of United Methodist People Podcast with Reverend Dr. Brad Miller is to strengthen the connection in the United Methodist Church through conversation and commentary in order to fulfill our churches mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

September 2020
Reverend Dr. Brad Miller

