On Episode 033 of The United Methodist Podcast Rev. Dr. Brad Miller is joined by Bishop Julius Trimble and Dr. Carolyn Johnson for a discussion about racial justice and relationships in the United States the world and in the United Methodist Church.


Bishop Julius Trimble is has served as the resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of The United Methodist Church since 2016.


Dr. Carolyn Johnson is the Associate Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion at Purdue University and is active nationally in Black Methodist for Church Renewal is a past national president of United Methodist Women and a member of St Andrew’s UMC in West Lafayette Indiana.


Bishop Trimble and Dr. Johnson share their views of the state of the world regarding racial relations since the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May. 


In particular Dr. Johnson spoke about how Mr Floyd has gained respect in death which was not afforded to in life.  She went on to describe about the how the movement sparked by the death of Mr. Floyd has caused all people see racial relationships and injustice through a “new lens.”


The new lens goes to emphasis with people of all races that racism is real and not some sort of figment of the imagination. 


Dr. Johnson called on folk to not be observers but to be participants in the cause of racial justice.   She also discussed how the statement Black Lives Matter is a plea  to be heard and is not an indictment that devalues the lives of others.


She sees signs of hope in the ability of people to be morally outraged by racial injustice and say “no more.”


Bishop Trimble concluded the conversation by referring to 1 Corinthians 12 as a challenge in how United Methodist

should speak to the matter of racial injustice.


The United Methodist People Podcast is produced by Rev. Dr. Brad Miller with the mission of strengthening the connection in the United Methodist Church through conversation and commentary.



