Unite180 with David Grobler artwork

Unite180 with David Grobler

427 episodes - English - Latest episode: 19 days ago - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings

Spirit & Power

Christianity Religion & Spirituality
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April 28, 2021 10:06 - 52 minutes - 96.4 MB

The Holy Spirit represents God on the earth, and we cannot live without His presence. He moves in and through us and desires to have a close personal relationship with us to empower and anoint us for the work of the Kingdom of God.

Arise with Ps Louis Paulus

April 20, 2021 11:23 - 31 minutes - 57.5 MB

No other god can stand against the presence of the living God. The moment God steps into the room, things will start to change and shift, and giants and other gods will fall flat on their faces trying to compete with the power of God. 

Who owns it with Ps Willbert Kinnear

April 20, 2021 11:17 - 39 minutes - 71.9 MB

God owns the earth and everything on it, and as sons and daughters of God, we should declare His ownership and learn to steward the things of God. 


April 14, 2021 11:00 - 38 minutes - 69.7 MB

Faith moves us into a realm of the impossible made possible, and we need faith to live out our Christianity. By faith, we learn to apply the principles of the Bible and to have a posture of a servant serving God as we grow closer to Him. 

Little by Little

April 13, 2021 10:03 - 44 minutes - 80.8 MB

God allows us to go through circumstances that teach us little by little what God wants us to handle in the future. Although we feel stuck, we should trust in God that the promises He has for us will come to pass.

So that the nets won’t break

April 07, 2021 11:28 - 45 minutes - 83.7 MB

Jesus broke His body so that we can live, and sometimes God takes us through seasons that hurt us to prepare us for the journey ahead. Jesus is on the other side of difficult seasons, showing us the way through so that our nets don't break for what He wants us to handle.

Resurrection Sunday Service

April 07, 2021 10:46 - 43 minutes - 80.5 MB

As Christians, we are not called to look for life amongst the dead and seek answers in the things of this world. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was never an empty, dark tomb, but it is our hope and promise from God.

Good Friday Service | Mystery

April 07, 2021 10:37 - 41 minutes - 76.3 MB

Just before Jesus breathed His last breath, He uttered the phrase “it is finished,” and He gave us life. The power of the cross has set us free from our trespasses, and He canceled our debt forever. We are made new in Jesus Christ. 


March 30, 2021 11:34 - 48 minutes - 89.6 MB

Disobedience causes us to stand and live outside the will of God while we are called to live in His image and obey His commands. Our love for God is connected to our obedience to Him that enables the move of God to work mightily in and through our lives.

The Making of You

March 30, 2021 11:32 - 39 minutes - 71.8 MB

Through every season of our life, we go through different circumstances that make us who we are today. God's hand is upon us, and as we endure through every season, His anointing will transform our lives for the calling He created us to live and walk in. 

Honor Part 2

March 24, 2021 16:45 - 50 minutes - 92.7 MB

God’s Word sets a high standard when it comes to honoring Him and others, and as we meditate on the Word, it teaches us to be honorable people not only by our words, actions, or thoughts but from our hearts. 


March 17, 2021 07:05 - 49 minutes - 91 MB

One of the most important truths we could ever learn about God is that He loves us unconditionally, and as children of God, He will discipline us on the journey to grow closer to Him. God's correction is not to cause us pain in the short term but to set us up for success for a lifetime. 


March 17, 2021 07:00 - 38 minutes - 70.6 MB

As sons & daughters of God, we inherit the promises of God through faith and patience. We mustn't be slow to learn the lessons of faith while running this race, and by leaving our weight behind and surrendering to God, we will inherit what God has destined for us in every level of life as we live in Christ. 

Value Others

March 10, 2021 06:43 - 41 minutes - 76.1 MB

We are created in the image of Christ to serve, love, and do good to one another. God does not value our status on the earth. He values our heart towards the body of Christ.


March 10, 2021 06:42 - 42 minutes - 77.1 MB

We are valuable and worthy to God, and as we measure our worth to the standards of this world, we will never walk in the fulness God created us to function. We should always seek after God's heart and the things He calls valuable.


March 02, 2021 11:29 - 38 minutes - 70.8 MB

Jesus is after good fruit, and everything we do starts with a seed. The world will know us by our fruit, and as we are connected to Jesus Christ, our actions and choices will reveal His goodness in and through us. 


March 02, 2021 11:26 - 34 minutes - 62.8 MB

The current season of our life carries the seed for the next season, and in the seed of faith, good fruit starts to manifest. The more we spend time in God's presence, the more we learn that the start of a small seed has the potential to produce great trees. 

This New Life

February 24, 2021 08:15 - 37 minutes - 67.9 MB

God has given all believers a new life filled will love, joy and power. As we have and build a relationship with God, we become a witness of His goodness and faithfulness, and as believers, we should let go of the past and embrace the new life we have been given. 

Holy Spirit in Experience

February 24, 2021 08:10 - 40 minutes - 74.7 MB

As believers, we need the Holy Spirit in our lives to discern the things of God. Our willingness to be used by God allows the Spirit to move in and through us to complete God's divine plan on the earth.

Holy Ghost (Part 4) Power of God

February 16, 2021 09:57 - 37 minutes - 68.9 MB

As Christians, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, for we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, and He will equip us to do far more than what is possible on our own. 

Holy Ghost (Part 3) Tongues

February 16, 2021 09:29 - 42 minutes - 78.7 MB

Tongues form part of the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to all believers, and as we ask God, we will receive it. Praying with the understanding is to pray God's perfect will in an understandable language, but praying in the Spirit is speaking mysteries unto God. 

Holy Ghost (Part 2)

February 09, 2021 12:01 - 39 minutes - 73.1 MB

We should be intentional of the working of the Spirit in and through our lives. We should submit to the Lord and be sensitive, not to quench, resist, or grief the Holy Spirit. God is Spirit, and we should worship God our Father in Spirit and truth.

Holy Ghost

February 09, 2021 11:43 - 35 minutes - 65.7 MB

We can't live without the Spirit of God, for He breathed over us and gave us life. The Holy Spirit helps us, and He empowers us to live a flourishing life that radiates the goodness of God and the truth of scripture.

The Flow

February 02, 2021 12:54 - 27 minutes - 49.5 MB

As Christians, we can't live without the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Spirit brings life, and through Him, we have the power and authority to conquer all circumstances. 

Dry Places

February 02, 2021 12:50 - 41 minutes - 75.6 MB

We are created in God's image, and as we build a relationship with Him, we have direct access to the Holy Spirit, for, in Him, we live and move and have our being. The flow of God produces life, and He is the living water that brings life to all our dry places.

Treasure: Fear of God Part 2

January 26, 2021 13:06 - 34 minutes - 62.7 MB

The fear of God does not make us afraid of God, for God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and a sound mind. The fear of God protects us from sinning and draws us closer to His presence. 

Treasure: Fear of God

January 26, 2021 12:55 - 28 minutes - 53.1 MB

Jesus delighted walking in the fear of God, and as we live in the image of Christ, God does not want us to submit under a demonic spirit of fear but live walking in His Spirit, fearing God and having access to His treasure. We should know that the demonic spirit of fear brings torment, but the fear of God brings rejoicing. 

Don't Be Fooled by Herod with Ps Willbert Kinnear

January 20, 2021 07:14 - 40 minutes - 74.5 MB

Nothing can come against the Body of Christ, and as we stand together, we will see the signs and wonders of God. God is busy building His church here on the earth, and the systems and the things of this world should not fool us. For it does not compare to the things God has in store for us.

It's Worth It with Ps Louis Paulus

January 20, 2021 07:11 - 35 minutes - 65.8 MB

The word of God should form our foundation in life, and as we experience hopelessness. The bible and the promises of God gives us hope for our future. Our circumstances may contradict God's promises for us, but in our discomfort, God's promises are still yes and amen, and in the end, holding onto God's word remains worth it.

Promised Land

January 12, 2021 12:31 - 34 minutes - 63.1 MB

The promises of God are not just for good seasons. It is for every day. God has given us the promised land to access here and now, and if we keep conforming to this world's ways and not allow His Word to transform us continuously, the milk and honey will stop flowing. We should not forget the promises of God when our season gets difficult, and we should look for God and His Word every day.

Don't you know?

January 12, 2021 09:42 - 32 minutes - 59.5 MB

The Lord, our God, knows us by name, and even in the unknown, He will renew our strength for journeying through life. Life teach us lessons that could affect our walk on the earth. Therefore, we should not forget the righteousness Jesus Christ has given us to walk in as we build our relationship with God.

Purposed Pause with Ps Willbert Kinnear

January 04, 2021 12:46 - 37 minutes - 69.6 MB

God's word needs to shape us to walk in the divine purpose God has called us to function in, and as we are in the pause between being set free and God's promises, it's His word that will carry us through. 

Priceless with Ps Louis Paulus

January 04, 2021 12:44 - 32 minutes - 59.9 MB

God has a specific calling for every believer, and there is no price to pay to receive the anointing of God. As we go through difficult circumstances, God rewards those who diligently seek Him, and during those seasons, we shouldn't side with the world to get the attention of men but allow the process to transform us into the promise of God. 

New Years Service

January 04, 2021 12:38 - 26 minutes - 47.6 MB

As we are entering 2021, the church of God shall prevail, and we should seek God and continue to build His church. We should consume ourselves with a zeal for God's church, for it will keep us strong during all seasons and circumstances. 

Christmas Service | Inconvenient Favour

January 04, 2021 12:14 - 44 minutes - 82.3 MB

There is inconvenience locked up in God's favor because His favor causes progress in our lives. God places us in inconvenience for a greater purpose, and as we want to abort the inconvenience in our life, we will abort God's favor. 

Substance & Evidence with Ps Marinus Spies

December 31, 2020 14:47 - 31 minutes - 56.9 MB

Our substance is connected to our hearts and has very little to do with the things we have in our lives, and as we fix our eyes on the things of heaven and not of this world, it will become easier to recognise substance in our lives.

A Purposed Heart with Ps Louis Paulus

December 31, 2020 14:33 - 33 minutes - 61.9 MB

Life will always test the promises of God over our lives. The difficult times are not to give up but for us to persevere through the season to get to the promise. As we go through trials and tribulations, God's promises will carry us through to the other side. We should keep our eyes focussed on Him.

Two Worlds

December 22, 2020 09:08 - 36 minutes - 66.7 MB

We live in a world that disapproves of the way we as Christians live. God has given us the authority to live and function in this world. We live with eternal joy within us that the world will never have access to until they call unto God's name, and it's our responsibility to represent the kingdom of God wherever we go.


December 22, 2020 09:05 - 46 minutes - 85.5 MB

Perfection is to be mature and connected to God. As we mature as Christians, our circumstances and surroundings should not affect our faith in God, for we should grow into the promises God has for us.

Happy God? With Ps Willbert Kinnear

December 15, 2020 15:49 - 47 minutes - 86.6 MB

During this season, we should allow God to reveal His goodness to us to experience everlasting joy. God is a happy God, and He has created us to be joyful during the difficult seasons. God made everything good, and He wants to share His goodness with us. 

The Promise with Ps Louis Paulus

December 15, 2020 15:48 - 38 minutes - 34.9 MB

As Christians, we are all walking with the promise of God upon our lives. God's word should be the anchor on which we build our lives, and as the desires of our heart lead us astray, it's God's promises that pull us back into His presence. 


December 08, 2020 07:00 - 47 minutes - 86.6 MB

In God's presence, our purpose gets realigned with the plans God has for us, and as we are seated at the table of God, we have access to His unmerited grace, hiding all our flaws and shortcomings. 

Positioned for Purpose with Ps Louis Paulus

December 02, 2020 12:31 - 37 minutes - 67.9 MB

The devil will often make us question God's promises and purpose for us. God wants to restore our position. Our positioning in Christ determines our circumstances' outcome, and as we allow challenges to overwhelm us, our position changes.

The Way with Ps Willbert Kinnear

December 02, 2020 11:56 - 40 minutes - 74.7 MB

The way we live out our faith and Christianity shouldn't change, although the world's systems have changed. As Christians, we shouldn't conform to this world's ways but transform our minds to have a heavenly culture on earth. 

The Eye

November 24, 2020 09:36 - 33 minutes - 60.6 MB

The world will see God's light within you, for He will reward those who seek Him in secret. The eye is a lens through which we see the world and our perspective of Christianity. If our view of the world is to be pleasing unto man by doing charitable deeds, we will eliminate the light of God within us. 

Promises, Promises

November 17, 2020 08:01 - 46 minutes - 85.9 MB

We can't live as Christians without Christ, and as we are with Him, our life changes. It does not matter who we've been as long as the world can see we have been with Jesus. Bing with Christ gives us access to the promises of God, and as we are in Christ, we don't have to seek the promises; it finds us. 

Just Because

November 10, 2020 07:14 - 52 minutes - 96.5 MB

To follow Christ requires us to deny ourselves first. God's word fills us to walk in divine purpose. Our test is not in the result of our calling but our obedience to God. To deny ourselves is to sacrifice the things that impact our lives and knowing that through God's strength, all things are possible.

Judge, maybe?

November 10, 2020 07:10 - 49 minutes - 90.9 MB

 If the source of our advice is not goldy, it's easier for us to stay stuck in an ungodly place. We need to carry the weight of the judgment we give one another. Without correction, we are unable to grow through situations and circumstances and how we implement instruction is how we mature in wisdom. 


November 03, 2020 07:14 - 52 minutes - 95.6 MB

Everything we do today has eternal consequences. We are all equal in receiving the gift of salvation, for we are saved by grace through our faith in God. But there is a reward that awaits believers beyond this life, and by working to build the kingdom of God here on earth, we are laying up treasures in heaven.

Too Much For You (Part. 2)

October 27, 2020 21:14 - 48 minutes - 89 MB

The moment we become fearful about our future, we should remind ourselves of the story of Elijah. The devil is in disagreement with God's call on our lives, and any stumbling block will discourage us from fighting for our purpose. As humans, we will become tired of fighting our battles, but when we are mentally tired, we should find our strength in God, for with Him, all things are possible, and by His grace, we remain unshakeable.


First Things First
1 Episode
The Power of One
1 Episode