In the wake of what many refer to as a mass shooting epidemic, what is the argument against stricter gun reform?  What alternative measures need to be taken to ensure guns do not reach the wrong hands? What value do gun owners add to the state of Rhode Island? 

I’m joined by Brenda Jacob, a woman with a powerful voice, who is not afraid to advocate for what she believes in. Brenda is the president of the Federated Rhode Island Sportsmen’s Club, secretary and lobbyist for the Rhode Island Rifle and Revolver Association, and president of the Ocean State Junior Rifle Association. She is a vocal advocate for gun owners in RI, shedding light on the value they bring to Rhode Island through her written articles, interviews, and advocacy. No matter where you stand on gun reform or control, we all have something to learn from Brenda, and her perspective should be heard. Stay tuned to hear from Brenda about why she believes gun owners should be more highly valued and listen as I press her on why some vehemently disagree.

If you have a story to tell—no matter how small—email me at [email protected] or reach out on Instagram, @uniquestorybroadnarrative. If you are hesitant to share your story, unsure if your perspective is valuable, or if the tabloids and headlines don’t match up with real life, I’d love to hear from you to broaden the conversations we are having.

Please check out Brenda’s opinion piece, Guns: The Other Side of The Story

Source Materials: BBC, Guns & America, WPRI, RI CAGV, WSJ

Music overlay by Scott Holmes Music,