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Unhurried Living

616 episodes - English - Latest episode: 12 days ago - ★★★★★ - 115 ratings

Many of us feel hurried, and hurry is costing us more than we realize. Unhurried Living provides resources and training to help people learn to live and lead from fullness rather than on empty. Great influence begins on the inside, in your soul. Learning healthy patterns of rest and work can transform your life—your daily influence. Built on more than twenty-five years of experience at the intersection of spiritual formation and leadership development, Unhurried Living seeks to inspire people around the world to rest deeper so they can live fuller and lead better.

Spirituality Religion & Spirituality Christianity unhurried living leadership spiritual formation influence spiritual direction hurry margin spiritual practices alan fadling gem fadling
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After Doubt (Alan with A. J. Swoboda)

May 03, 2021 07:00 - 37 minutes - 34.2 MB

If you were to walk around our neighborhood these days, you’d see a number of homes that are being remodeled. Some of the work is so extensive that no one is living in those homes while the work is being done. But the goal is, of course, to rebuild those houses so that they can become homes again.  Many of us are experiencing what some have called the “deconstruction of faith.” Something that made sense and worked before doesn’t seem to anymore. The constructions of faith that we were given...

The Art of Letting Go (Gem with Marla Christian)

April 26, 2021 07:00 - 44 minutes - 40.7 MB

Letting go is hard, isn’t it? For most of us, it’s about admitting that we aren’t in control, and that is difficult. My dear friend, Marla Christian, is with me today and we’re going to talk about the freedom of releasing our grip on people and circumstances.  Marla has long been a part of the Al Anon community and I have learned so much from her about letting go. I can’t wait for you to learn from her.  Marla Christian is the CFO of Corporate Benefit Planners a business-to-consumer insura...

Unhindered Abundance (Alan with Ken Baugh)

April 19, 2021 07:00 - 28 minutes - 26.3 MB

I want to read some familiar words from the scriptures that I think have special relevance to the situation in which we find ourselves these day. Jesus is speaking, and says, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, [they] will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  I really appreciate that last line. The life Jesus has come to announce to us and make available to us is mea...

Musings on Beauty and Courage (Gem with Morgan Harper Nichols)

April 12, 2021 07:00 - 52 minutes - 48 MB

I have long believed the practice of gratitude and looking back in discernment is crucial for a well-lived life. In Morgan Harper Nichols’ new book, "How Far You Have Come", we are invited to notice and give thanks for our growth along the journey of life. With her unique style, and deep, soulful heart, Morgan guides us yet again with her stories, poems and art.    I’m honored to call Morgan a friend. We met, by chance, at a workshop a couple of years ago and had an immediate connection. I...

Lead Like It Matters to God (Alan with Rich Stearns)

April 05, 2021 07:00 - 37 minutes - 34 MB

Leadership matters to God. The way leaders lead matters perhaps more to God.  We who would serve the people of God as leaders are invited to do so in the way of Jesus—the Spirit of Jesus. We often say that you do not need a position of leadership to be a person of influence.     Today, I’m pleased to have as my guest Rich Stearns, President Emeritus of World Vision and author of the new book Lead Like It Matters to God. We’ll talk about some of the core values that have guided his leadersh...

Two Spiritual Directors Respond to Questions (Gem with Stacey Green)

March 29, 2021 07:00 - 57 minutes - 52.7 MB

Today my friend and spiritual director, Stacey Green, is with me and we will be responding to some spiritual direction and formation questions that we received via social media. We’re going to interact on these themes and hopefully offer some guidance and encouragement along the way.  Stacey Green is a trained spiritual director, a Southern CA native, and a graduate of Pepperdine University. She is passionate about offering soul care to women in all stages of life, particularly those servin...

Nine Questions for Spiritual Leaders (Alan with Tim Morey)

March 22, 2021 07:00 - 30 minutes - 3.26 MB

We’ve often said on this podcast that who you are as a leader makes all the difference in the fruitfulness of what you do as a leader. Two people can do the exact same bit of work with very different outcomes. Even little bits of work done with great love can bear more fruit than huge gatherings or impressive performances. For the Christian leader, the trajectory of our lives is in the direction of living and leading more and more in the spirit—in the way—of Jesus.  Today, I’m talking with ...

Growing in Empathy (Gem with Kristi Gaultiere)

March 15, 2021 07:00 - 42 minutes - 39.2 MB

Empathy. This is a much needed and seemingly ignored dynamic in cultural conversations. However, today we are going to bring it down to the personal…our own lives. What is empathy? Why is it important for us and our relationships? How does empathy factor into our relationship with God?  Today I chat with my dear friend, Kristi Gaultiere who is an expert on empathy. Not only by training, but by giftedness and lifestyle. Practicing empathy and caring comes naturally to her and I benefit from ...

Podcast 165: The Lyrical Life of Jesus (Alan with Michael Card)

March 08, 2021 08:00 - 29 minutes - 26.9 MB

A mentor of mine would often say something like this: “The Christian life is not mainly something I believe or a group to which I belong. The Christian life is somebody with whom I enjoy a living, day-to-day relationship. That somebody, of course, is Jesus. He is risen and alive among us today—right now—by his Spirit. He is inviting us into the love he and the Father share. That has been the inviting good news I’ve sought to enter more deeply into over this challenging year in which we’ve fo...

The Lyrical Life of Jesus (Alan with Michael Card)

March 08, 2021 08:00 - 29 minutes - 26.9 MB

A mentor of mine would often say something like this: “The Christian life is not mainly something I believe or a group to which I belong. The Christian life is somebody with whom I enjoy a living, day-to-day relationship. That somebody, of course, is Jesus. He is risen and alive among us today—right now—by his Spirit. He is inviting us into the love he and the Father share. That has been the inviting good news I’ve sought to enter more deeply into over this challenging year in which we’ve fo...

Struggling with Depression (Gem with Diana Gruver)

March 01, 2021 08:00 - 31 minutes - 29 MB

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, major depressive disorder (or MDD) is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for ages 15 to 44. MDD affects about 16.1 million adults each year. And think about all of those who remain undiagnosed. Then add to that the increased anxiety and depression caused by COVID-19. Many of us have likely struggled with a form of depression over the last year. And, certainly, most of us know someone who struggles. How do we cope?  Dra...

Where Prayer Becomes Real (Alan with Kyle Strobel)

February 22, 2021 08:00 - 40 minutes - 37.2 MB

Most of you in our listening community are people who pray. Or at least people who have prayed. You may be grateful for the opportunity to come  into the presence of God. Your prayer may feel fruitful and life-giving.     Or, you may have become disillusioned when it comes to praying. You might feel like you’ve come to pray but God didn’t seem to come to listen or respond. It’s not an uncommon experience. But, in the end, you probably still want to be a person who lives in the presence of ...

Soul Care for Wounded Healers (Gem with Bethany Hiser)

February 15, 2021 08:00 - 41 minutes - 38.4 MB

Burnout. This a most unwelcome word. And an even less welcome dynamic. But our guest today, Bethany Hiser, found herself smack in the middle of it. A social worker, jail chaplain and justice advocate, Bethany was in need of the very soul care she was providing to others. We’ll engage her story today.   Bethany Dearborn Hiser is the director of soul care for Northwest Family Life, a network of therapists trained to work with survivors of domestic violence and sexual trauma. As a bilingual s...

Journey of the Soul (Alan with Bill Gaultiere)

February 08, 2021 08:00 - 40 minutes - 37.5 MB

When it comes to talking about and understanding our life with God, I’ve long loved the image of a journey as a way of talking about it. Our life of faith isn’t merely a static set of beliefs to defend or argue about. It isn’t just being part of the right association. It is a way of life in which each of us grows, learns and develops. It is a life in which we deepen in trust, broaden in love, strengthen in hope.  I recently enjoyed a conversation with a good friend of ours, Bill Gaultiere, ...

The Leader in You (Gem with Ebony S. Small)

February 01, 2021 08:00 - 36 minutes - 33.8 MB

Along the way, God uses our life experiences to form us and to help us lead from an authentic and healthy place. The power of God’s presence is not just for your benefit but also for all in your sphere of influence. Today, I’m talking with Ebony Small, a younger leader who serves as a pastor and a mentor.  Ebony has a wealth of experience in both churches and organizations. She's got practical and biblical wisdom to offer whether you are just starting or are looking for a fresh start in you...

Prayer in the Night (Alan with Tish Harrison Waren)

January 25, 2021 08:00 - 43 minutes - 40 MB

We continue to find ourselves in unsettling times, don’t we? I’m sure I don’t need to unpack that any further for you, right? Many of us have struggled with what prayer looks like in this season when things are happening we never asked for. How do we pray when life feels more like a threatening night than a bright and dawning day? It was good to have a chance to speak recently with Tish Harrison Warren about her new book, releasing tomorrow in fact, called Prayer in the Night.  Tish Harris...

Prayer in the Night (Alan with Tish Harrison Warren)

January 25, 2021 08:00 - 43 minutes - 40 MB

We continue to find ourselves in unsettling times, don’t we? I’m sure I don’t need to unpack that any further for you, right? Many of us have struggled with what prayer looks like in this season when things are happening we never asked for. How do we pray when life feels more like a threatening night than a bright and dawning day? It was good to have a chance to speak recently with Tish Harrison Warren about her new book, releasing tomorrow in fact, called Prayer in the Night.  Tish Harris...

Uncovering Hope in a Broken World (Gem with Nikole Lim)

January 18, 2021 12:23 - 40 minutes - 36.7 MB

My guest today is Nikole Lim and she’s written a book entitled, Liberation is Here. Nikole weaves together a narrative of God’s grace and healing amid fear and trauma. Her journey proves that liberation is not just near, but it is here―in the eyes of the broken, the hearts of the oppressed, and the untold stories of our global community.  Because of today’s subject matter, I want to extend a trigger warning for those of you who have or are experiencing capital T trauma right now. Nikole’s b...

Reforesting Faith (Gem & Alan with Matthew Sleeth)

January 11, 2021 08:00 - 43 minutes - 39.4 MB

Creation is a living masterpiece of God. It is full of life, beauty and vitality. And maybe one of God’s greatest creative expressions is a tree. They are the longest-lived of God’s creations. They are the lungs of the planet. They are a wonderous reminder that the good God does develops over decades, even centuries. Trees remind us of God’s unhurried way.   Recently, Gem and I had the opportunity to have a conversation with Dr. Matthew Sleeth about his book Reforesting Faith. In it, he sh...

Entering the New Year with Intention and Grace (Gem with Kathryn Carrington)

January 04, 2021 08:05 - 45 minutes - 41.5 MB

Today, we are going to talk about easing into the new year with gentleness and grace. This is much needed after making it through 2020. What does 2021 hold for us? We don’t know what circumstances will arise, but, as always, we have a choice about what we think and how we act within every situation. So, let’s lean into some gentleness and grace. For all of the complaining we can do (and rightfully so) about social media, I have met some genuine, lovely, heart-forward women on Instagram. Lik...

Discernment: The Benefits of Looking Back (2018 replay episode)

December 28, 2020 08:05 - 28 minutes

This episode is airing on the last Monday of 2020. I know that many can’t wait to put this year behind us and hope for a better 2021. But just as true as it is that 2020 was a hard year full of troubles, it was also a year in which God was doing very good work in his people and through his people. It is a gift to turn back and look for evidences of God’s measureless grace at work, especially in the midst of a very hard season.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Replay with John Mark Comer)

December 21, 2020 08:05 - 44 minutes

Last December Alan interviewed John Mark Comer. His episode has remained near the top of our 10 most downloaded shows. So we thought we’d replay it for you today. I think it’s because John Mark is singing the same song as Unhurried Living and Alan’s book, An Unhurried Life. John Mark wrote The Relentless Elimination of Hurry and we are delighted to share the replay of Alan’s conversation with him now.   John Mark Comer lives, works, and writes in the urban core of Portland, Oregon, with hi...

The Power of Speaking Simply (Alan Fadling)

December 14, 2020 08:05 - 26 minutes - 23.9 MB

We live in a profoundly wordy world. I sometimes feel utterly surrounded by words: social media, emails, text messages, news feeds, websites, television, radio. And it seems rare that words are being used to simply tell the truth and describe reality. In his sermon on the mount, Jesus had some profoundly powerful words to say about how we speak.  Alan Fadling, (MDiv),serves as a frequent speaker and consultant with local churches, national organizations and leaders internationally. His cont...

A Creative Process for Spiritual Growth: Inviso (Gem with Brenda Renderos)

December 07, 2020 08:05 - 41 minutes - 38.4 MB

We live in a visual culture. Just a few years ago the Internet Trends Report shared that an average of 1.8 billion images were uploaded to the internet daily. That adds up to 657 billion photos in one year. Every two minutes, people take more photos than existed in total 150 years ago. With all of that imagery floating through our consciousness every day, how might we use intentional imagery to grow closer to God? If a picture is worth a thousand words, is it also conducive to prayer? I’m ...

Never Settle (Alan with Greg Holder)

November 30, 2020 08:05 - 39 minutes - 35.9 MB

Author, Greg Holder, in his book Never Settle, suggests that “while we don’t consciously choose a less-than-life, it happens. Little by little, we start putting down roots in a land of less than: less than satisfying, less than interesting, less than helpful, and certainly less than hopeful. Before we know it our faith is lukewarm, apathetic, bland. Never Settle is a tangible reminder that every choice in your day is crackling with God’s redemptive power –God is calling us—you and me—to pa...

Live the Questions (Gem interviewed by Yohonna Smith on Girl’s Talking Life Podcast)

November 23, 2020 08:05 - 42 minutes - 39.2 MB

Can you believe that What Does Your Soul Love? released just a little over a year ago? With 2020 being what it is, that seems like an entire lifetime ago. Today, I’m sharing with you a bonus episode and it’s a bit different than usual. It’s different because I’m on the other side of the microphone in this conversation. And I loved this interview so much that I wanted to share it with you, here, on the Unhurried Living Podcast. Enjoy other episodes of Girls Talking Life podcast with Yohonna ...

Tempered Resilience (Alan with Tod Bolsinger)

November 16, 2020 08:05 - 34 minutes - 31.6 MB

Most of us would agree that 2020 continues to be one of the most trying years in our adult lives. So much change. So much pain. So much conflict. I’m talking to a lot of leaders these days who are just plain tired. They are struggling to be hopeful. We need a vision of how this year could actually be an opportunity and not just a challenge. That’s why I’m especially glad to be sharing my recent conversation with Tod Bolsinger about his book, Tempered Resilience: How Leaders Are Formed in the...

Engaging the Enneagram for Formation (Gem with Mary Linam)

November 09, 2020 08:05 - 55 minutes - 50.5 MB

The Enneagram has been more widely circulating for a few years now and most of us have a basic understanding of the types. But once you learn the types, the real question is, so what? What do I now do with all of this great information? What difference can the Enneagram make in my life? My dear friend, Mary Linam, is a trained and highly skilled Enneagram coach. I’m sharing her with you today because I want you to glean from her wisdom and to be in touch with her if you want to dig into the...

Longing for Revival (Alan with James Choung)

November 02, 2020 08:05 - 33 minutes - 30.9 MB

In the book Longing For Revival, authors James Choung and Ryan Pfeiffer remind us of a simple and encouraging reality: Revival begins with God. It happens in our lives and we cooperate with what God is doing, but God is the reviver of our souls, our communities, our world. In this season that feels so straining and wearying, God wants to refresh, renew and revitalize our lives so we can join God in the good work of the kingdom.  Gem and I have been grateful to have been given moments of enc...

Open or Closed: Welcoming an Expansive View of God (A Spiritual Practice with Gem)

October 26, 2020 07:05 - 10 minutes - 9.54 MB

2020 has been a rough year. And that is an understatement. It may seem counterintuitive to at least some of us, but one thing that can help us is to see this year up against the expansive backdrop of God’s eternal presence. Christ crucified is a witness to everything we are seeing. Christ crucified is present in our pain, our outrage, our anxiety, our fears. Let’s dig into a practice that can help us envision God’s presence and expanse now.  Before we dive in here, I want to be sure you kno...

The Possibility of Prayer (Alan with John Starke)

October 19, 2020 07:10 - 38 minutes - 35.2 MB

There are so many reasons we might feel that cultivating a deep life of prayer is just impossible. We feel too busy. We feel we don’t deserve such a life. We imagine that kind of prayer is for someone more spiritual than me. But today, John Starke, author of The Possibility of Prayer, will remind us that prayer is always possible because prayer is a gift we receive more than a life we achieve.  A mentor of mine, Chuck Miller, often reminded us that prayer isn’t so much something I do as it ...

Try Softer (Gem with Aundi Kolber)

October 12, 2020 07:10 - 46 minutes - 42.2 MB

The subtitle of Aundi Kolber’s book, Try Softer, is “a fresh approach to move us out of anxiety, stress, and survival mode—and into a life of connection and joy.” Now, who doesn’t need that?! Aundi is a trauma informed therapist and she is going to help us learn what “try softer” really means, today, on the Unhurried Living Podcast.   Aundi Kolber believes that we don’t have to white-knuckle our way through life. In her debut book, Try Softer, she’ll show us how God specifically designed o...

What is the Church? (Alan with Tim Soerens)

October 05, 2020 07:15 - 36 minutes - 33.8 MB

What is the purpose of the church? Why does it exist and what is on God’s heart as far as its aims? As of the airing of this episode, I have not been part of an in-person gathering of church for more than six months. And then many of the portrayals of church in contemporary media are less than encouraging. The emerging generation has been opting out of the church in large numbers as it is. My guest today, Tim Soerens, has written a book called Everywhere You Look to highlight the gracious o...

Resilient Americans (Gem with Diane Cox)

September 28, 2020 07:15 - 43 minutes - 39.9 MB

“Anything that alienates and divides us leaves us weak and exposed to disaster. Simple human compassion is more essential to our national resilience and strength than most of us recognize.” Today, I’m talking with my long time friend, Diane Cox. She is a business owner, a beautiful writer, and an even more glorious human being. And she actually makes resilience something fun and intriguing to talk about.  With anecdotes and unexpected stories about growing up during the 60s and 70s in Los A...

Finding Life After Traumatic Loss (Alan with Mel Lawrenz, A Chronicle of Grief

September 21, 2020 07:10 - 23 minutes - 21.4 MB

The theme of today’s episode is grief, and especially grief related to traumatic loss. As a culture, we’re not very comfortable with or even very good at grieving. But we are facing a great deal of loss, maybe more chronic than traumatic, but loss nonetheless. I think today’s conversation may help you in ways you didn’t expect. About three years ago, our guest, author Mel Lawrenz, got a text from his wife that their thirty-year-old daughter, Eva, wasn’t breathing and was being taken to the ...

Immanuel Journaling (Gem with Sungshim Loppnow)

September 14, 2020 07:10 - 52 minutes - 48.1 MB

Sungshim came to America from Korea at the age of 29. Being an immigrant and struggling with emotional deficits from her childhood left her isolated and insecure. Her search for God and her self-discovery process in her training and relationships opened her to God’s love in new and deeper ways till she was overwhelmed with the beauty and abundance of life in God’s kingdom.  Along the way she developed a way of interacting with God called “Immanuel Journaling”. This tool was introduced in th...

The Way of Presence (Alan with Casey Tygrett)

September 07, 2020 07:15 - 38 minutes - 35 MB

The Way of Presence: The Empowering Reality of God-With-Us launches September 8. Today, I'm sharing here a conversation with my friend and fellow author, Casey Tygrett, about the book and its life-giving message.  Casey Tygrett is author of the recent Christianity Today award-winning book As I Recall, was able and willing to join me in a conversation about my new book.  I know you'l appreciate how Casey helps get at the heart of what I’ve sought to say through this new book project.  Jesus...

The Way Up is Down (Gem with Marlena Graves)

August 31, 2020 07:15 - 39 minutes - 35.9 MB

Our guest today is Marlena Graves, author of The Way Up Is Down. In her own words: “…we’ll explore ways in which God is calling you and me to surrender continually to being emptied and then filled with his abounding grace. We’ll soon discover that this is the process whereby saints are made. This is the selfless-way, the God-shaped life.” For writer, pastor, and activist Marlena Graves, formation and justice always intertwine on the path to a balanced life of both action and contemplation. ...

Growing Deep Leadership Roots (Alan with Jerome Daley)

August 24, 2020 07:15 - 43 minutes - 39.7 MB

Many of you who listen to this podcast are leaders in business, church, nonprofit and other organizational settings. Others of you may not have a leadership title, but you live a leadership life…a life of influence. Today’s episode is going to help a lot. I’m talking with Jerome Daley, author of the book Gravitas: The Monastic Rhythms of Healthy Leadership about where spiritual depth and authority in leadership come. These continue to be challenging days for Christian leaders. Gem and I hav...

Attachment and Attunement: Finding Homebase in the Heart of God (Gem with Rev. Summer Gross)

August 17, 2020 07:15 - 44 minutes - 41.2 MB

Summer is another beautiful soul that Gem has met on Instagram. Last year Gem and Summer had the treat of meeting each other in person at a conference in the Midwest. Summer is a caring and wise listener and teacher and we can’t wait for you to learn from her today. Summer is an Anglican priest, spiritual director, homeschool mom of three, and still madly in love with her high school sweetheart. She comes alive listening to people’s hard and holy stories and setting the table for them to sp...

The Sacred Overlap (Alan with J.R. Briggs)

August 10, 2020 07:15 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

We are living in a season where “us and them” thinking can be very tempting. Political differences, racial tensions, generational and even religious differences can push us to build thick walls we think will protect ourselves and keep bad things out. But reality is always bigger than simple “us and them” categories. Today, I’m talking with my friend, J. R. Briggs about his new book, releasing Sept. 8, titled The Sacred Overlap: Learning to Live Faithfully in the Space Between. In it, he com...

The Sacred Overlap (J.R. Briggs)

August 10, 2020 07:15 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

We are living in a season where “us and them” thinking can be very tempting. Political differences, racial tensions, generational and even religious differences can push us to build thick walls we think will protect ourselves and keep bad things out. But reality is always bigger than simple “us and them” categories. Today, I’m talking with my friend, J. R. Briggs about his new book, releasing Sept. 8, titled The Sacred Overlap: Learning to Live Faithfully in the Space Between. In i...

Transforming Leaders: An Unexpected Pathway (Alan with Steve Macchia)

August 03, 2020 07:15 - 41 minutes - 37.8 MB

In my second book, An Unhurried Leader, I wrote a chapter based on Paul’s story of the thorn in his flesh that, no matter how many times he prayed, God did not remove or resolve. As leaders, there are things about us that we want to see changed.  But sometimes, instead of changing what is unpleasant or difficult for us, God chooses instead to be graciously and lovingly present to us in the midst of what doesn’t change. Instead of resolution, God offers us transforming presence. Today, I’ve...

Transforming Leaders: An Unexpected Pathway (Steve Macchia)

August 03, 2020 07:15 - 41 minutes - 37.8 MB

In my second book, An Unhurried Leader, I wrote a chapter based on Paul’s story of the thorn in his flesh that, no matter how many times he prayed, God did not remove or resolve. As leaders, there are things about us that we want to see changed.  But sometimes, instead of changing what is unpleasant or difficult for us, God chooses instead to be graciously and lovingly present to us in the midst of what doesn’t change. Instead of resolution, God offers us transforming presence. To...

Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy (Gem & Alan with Cindy Bunch)

July 27, 2020 07:15 - 26 minutes - 24.6 MB

Editor and spiritual director Cindy Bunch calls us to self-care through greater compassion for ourselves. She helps us pay attention to the frustrations that bug us in order to identify negative thinking about ourselves or others. As we do so, we can discern what we need to let go. This allows us to lean into the things that bring us joy. Each chapter of her book, Be Kind to Yourself, is filled with spiritual practices and creative exercises for reflection and celebration. So, be kind to you...

Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy (Cindy Bunch)

July 27, 2020 07:15 - 26 minutes - 24.6 MB

Editor and spiritual director Cindy Bunch calls us to self-care through greater compassion for ourselves. She helps us pay attention to the frustrations that bug us in order to identify negative thinking about ourselves or others. As we do so, we can discern what we need to let go. This allows us to lean into the things that bring us joy. Each chapter of her book, Be Kind to Yourself, is filled with spiritual practices and creative exercises for reflection and celebration. So, be ki...

Soul Care in African American Practice (Gem with Barbara Peacock)

July 20, 2020 07:15 - 51 minutes - 47.2 MB

In her new book, Soul Care in African American Practice, Dr. Barbara L. Peacock illustrates a journey of prayer, spiritual direction, and soul care from an African American perspective. She reflects on how these disciplines are woven into the African American culture and lived out in the rich heritage of its faith community.  Using examples of ten significant men and women―Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Darrell Griffin, Renita Weems, Harold Carter, Jessica Ingram, C...

Soul Care in African American Practice

July 20, 2020 07:15 - 51 minutes - 47.2 MB

In her new book, Soul Care in African American Practice, Dr. Barbara L. Peacock illustrates a journey of prayer, spiritual direction, and soul care from an African American perspective. She reflects on how these disciplines are woven into the African American culture and lived out in the rich heritage of its faith community.  Using examples of ten significant men and women―Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Darrell Griffin, Renita Weems, Harold Carter, Jessica ...

Analog Church (Alan with Jay Kim)

July 13, 2020 07:15 - 32 minutes - 30.2 MB

In my coaching, consulting and leadership training work, I have the privilege of interacting with Christian leaders around the world. And one thing is clear: our experience of church has radically changed over the last few months. It has been for some a painful challenge, but it has also been for some a unique opportunity. Jay Kim, author of the book Analog Church, talks about this church reality. Your experience of church has probably changed as much as ours has over the last many months. ...

Analog Church (Jay Kim)

July 13, 2020 07:15 - 32 minutes - 30.2 MB

In my coaching, consulting and leadership training work, I have the privilege of interacting with Christian leaders around the world. And one thing is clear: our experience of church has radically changed over the last few months. It has been for some a painful challenge, but it has also been for some a unique opportunity. Jay Kim, author of the book Analog Church, talks about this church reality. Your experience of church has probably changed as much as ours has over the last many...


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