In this episode, we are joined by Lydia Coxon, Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford's Pain in Women group, and PhD Candidate Natasha Orr, of the University of British Columbia and UBC Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Laboratory. In conversation, we learn more about what causes pain in endometriosis, how pain is studied, and some of the incredible work being done to the understand the highly stigmatised pains experienced by those with the condition. We are once again joined by Margarida Sardo, who shares with us her experience of living with endometriosis-associated pain, and gives invaluable insight into the variability and impact that this pain can have on the lives of people living with it.

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This podcast was generously brought to you by the Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive Health, at the University of Oxford.

We would like to thank Lydia Coxon and Natasha Orr for sharing their expertise in the field of endometriosis-associated pain research. Finally, thank you to Margarida Sardo for sharing with us her experience of living with endometriosis-associated pain, as well as her science communication expertise throughout the podcast.


Contact Details:

Lydia Coxon: (twitter) @LydiaCoxon

Natasha Orr: (twitter) @NatashaLeighOrr

Margarida Sardo: (email) [email protected] / (twitter) @MargaridaSardo

Additional Resources:

Learn more about sexual pain in endometriosis.

Want to support a charity which support people living with chronic pain across the United Kingdom? Please consider donating to Pain UK.