Today's special guest is Martin Salama. He is the creator of the Warrior's L.I.F.E. Code standing for "Live Incredibly Full Everyday."

Martin created the philosophy behind this approach after spending years in emotional pain and turmoil after his brother, Michael, died in an accident when they were children. This event in his life radically shaped how he viewed the world and drove him to become a people pleaser to make sure everyone around him didn’t experience the pain he had. The only problem was — this plan backfired. Everyone in his life (including him) was miserable.  Soon after the financial crash in 2008, he lost everything he owned and his wife of 24 years asked for a divorce. It was truly a low point in his life. All of this pressure led him to the realization that circumstances go up and down, but our internal state doesn’t have to follow suit! During this journey, he decided to become a life coach. The training and experience he had when he graduated helped him further clarify what truly matters in life: relationships. He started rebuilding the relationships in his life and started where he knew the changes would make the most powerful and long lasting change; by improving the relationship with himself.

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