So many of us have the goal of losing weight, but along with that goal most of us don't do it for the right reasons. 

Today's guest, Leslie Davis, is the author of the book "You Can't Eat Love." 

Life should be an adventure!

Leslie is ALWAYS on a journey. Her motto is “why not?”  She measures things she wants to do against the yardstick of “when I am 80 years old, I don’t want to be sitting in my rocking chair on my front porch saying, ‘I wish I would have’”.

Like so many others (and maybe even you), Leslie came to a very low point where she looked at her life and did not like what she saw. She decided to make a choice. She chose to get healthy – mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

When asked, she will tell you if she had known how hard the work would be, she might have made a different choice. But, knowing what she knows now, she is grateful she kept doing the hard work.

Her books and other writings come from the lessons and self-discovery on her journey to living her best life. 

By doing the hard work of learning to love herself, discovering her very best friend in the whole wide world, her, and embracing and forgiving herself, Leslie lost almost 100lbs, kept it off and is living her best life!

Leslie's website:

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Ungraduated Book:

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So many of us have the goal of losing weight, but along with that goal most of us don't do it for the right reasons. 

Today's guest, Leslie Davis, is the author of the book "You Can't Eat Love." 

Life should be an adventure!

Leslie is ALWAYS on a journey. Her motto is “why not?”  She measures things she wants to do against the yardstick of “when I am 80 years old, I don’t want to be sitting in my rocking chair on my front porch saying, ‘I wish I would have’”.

Like so many others (and maybe even you), Leslie came to a very low point where she looked at her life and did not like what she saw. She decided to make a choice. She chose to get healthy – mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

When asked, she will tell you if she had known how hard the work would be, she might have made a different choice. But, knowing what she knows now, she is grateful she kept doing the hard work.

Her books and other writings come from the lessons and self-discovery on her journey to living her best life. 

By doing the hard work of learning to love herself, discovering her very best friend in the whole wide world, her, and embracing and forgiving herself, Leslie lost almost 100lbs, kept it off and is living her best life!

Leslie's website:

My website:

Ungraduated Book:

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