What exactly does it mean when we say the phase, "getting in touch with our higher self?"

What is "this Higher Self?" 

In terms of spirituality and spiritual awakenings, this term is often misunderstood. The focus of today's episode is to pull apart the mystery and explain what it means to tap into our most innate spirituality.

The world today is beginning to wake up, and with the right level of focus and intention, we can indeed achieve super human capabilities by learning to "tap into" and use the guidance of our Higher Self.

Today's guest is Dana Sardano. Dana Sardano is the owner, resident artist and intuitive at Ubuntu Fish Gallery in Stuart, Florida, a published author, Co-founder of Phenom Publishing, and Co-founder/Chief Officer of Curriculum+Content at FindUniquelyU.com.  

After picking up a paintbrush for the first time in 2015 since her childhood, in June 2017, she decided to retire from a 23-year career in education in order to fully embrace an artist's life and to model for her daughters the importance of listening to your soul's purpose by following your bliss. She spent two years honing her craft as well as developing her intuition and opened Ubuntu Fish Gallery in September 2019, two years after she took her leap of faith from traditional education.  

Experiencing for herself and offering for others a more creative and spiritual form of personal growth and development at Ubuntu Fish Gallery, Dana has never felt more alive and has made it her mission to help others do the same.

During Dana’s time as owner/resident artist and intuitive at Ubuntu Fish Gallery, she figured out how to merge her greatest strengths—her intuition, leadership skills, educational experience, and artistic ability—and currently guides people to lead more empowered lives through her intuitive guidance sessions, private groups, and authored books (Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment, Beyond the Ten, Decoding the Woo Woo, and Veda Finds Her Crown) on that very subject matter.

Dana has recently partnered up with Angela DiMarco to create Phenom Publishing and FindUniquelyU.com, an online “extra” educational resource with the intent to uplift and inspire those who are ready to embrace life. Dana’s role at Uniquely U. is to assist the like-minded U-Instructors of the Uniquely U. community so that they can embody their truest essence and galvanize themselves in a multitude of uplifting and self-empowering ways so that they can do the same for others.

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