Special guest Aaron Young has quite a story of perseverance to tell. He lives in Australia and has been separated from his children that live in Africa. 

He first found himself in Africa as part of a conservationist effort to help deal with the human conflict, corruption, and challenges that face elephants and other wildlife. That success led him into farming where he challenged more corruption within that system. 

Eventually the success was noticed enough by local corrupt politicians that he landed himself in jail and eventually was deported away from his children. 

Having survived a near death experience as a 4 year old, abduction at the age of 5, becoming a criminal in his teens, and then turning to drugs in his 20's - he now lives as a business mentor and coach aiming to teach his life experiences for better.

In this episode we discuss:

- gratitude being a psychological change

- teaching mental resistance toward hopelessness and fear

- why we are not our thoughts and our brain is only a tool

- feeding the soul versus feeding the ego

- why we need to take action and not only consume learning

Aaron's Contact Info

Catelyst Coaching Australia - Facebook / Instagram / YouTube




My website:
