Previous Episode: The Children Are Twerking

This week, the Hotties have a Fine Vintage™ for your butts: KEGEL WARNING. CT and KW help you decipher their complex vernacular by sharing a frosh*~ Word of the Week. Flash cards are not mandatory, but strongly encouraged. Then they get into everyone's perennial favorite thinkpiece fodder: trigger warnings. Is there a place for them on college campuses? If so, who decides when and where?? And how many times can a site complain about millennials before we rise up i protest and refuse to troubleshoot our parents' iPads??? Spotify loooooves to drag your Hotties like old furniture, so get ready for a round of “Spotify Called Me a B*tch.” And as always, CT and KW have pop culture aplenty for your involvement. Join them, won’t you? This episode contains a goodly amount of swearing. Weirdly, it does not include the N word. All music in this episode is courtesy of Ryan Little. You can find more of his work here: