Previous Episode: Episode 5



Welcome to episode 6, a reltively short one this week because I only had a half hour in the morning to record the tunes so I chose two short ones. These I wrote very soon after purchasing my first ever relatively cheap ukulele last year, which has now been replaced by my first ever not relatively cheap ukulele which stays in tune much longer and is super nice. I recommend everybody get a hold of a uke at some point, it's a beautiful thing, and even the cheap-ish ones are OK really.

Anyhow, I may miss the next couple weeks because of it being holiday time for my wife and children's, if I can fit an episode recording in I will, but I'll put my family first like a sane person if this would impose on their having my time equitably and reasonably and such. Hope you're enjoying the tunes anyway, and many thanks to my subscribers for subscribing, much appreciated.


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