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Next Episode: Episode 6




Here's episode five for you. While I was just at the end of recording the first tune some dogs starting barking outside, see if you can hear them, I think they kind of fit.

These two songs are the only two I've ever written using only a synthesizer, acoustic instruments were my thing completely until I was exposed to the world of MIDI goodness that awaits pretty much anyone who types "free midi stuff" into Google. I was led to type this into Google when I got a free copy of the super basic version of Cubase, (recording software),  with a mic I bought, I used it to record just plain audio for ages but then somehow stumbled on the midi thing and that was it, it was a gateway drug, leading to the eventual purchase of a midi guitar and a proper physical synth, the glorious Waldorf Blofeld. I don't profess to have the minute control over the thing that somebody like Peter Gabrielle or that Aphex Twin guy would have, (my apologies to electronic music nerds, I realise there's probably atleast fifty more people who probably come before those two in the "people who are great at electronic music" list),  but I do profess to enjoy the thing thoroughly. However it usually takes the back seat, not the front one, apart from, so far, for these two songs. The first because I was just messing about with the thing and the song came out and the second more intentionally because I was going for a sci-fi kind of thing and there's nothing more sci-fi than synthesizers. Hope you enjoy anyway, I imagine at some point the Blofeld will get in the front again, it's a lovely little toy.


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