Lee Stephenson and Danny Parmelee talk about how the leadership of a church planter will naturally change. Leadership at the beginning of planting looks very different than when the church is a few years old.

0:22 Lee introduces the topic of discussion: unique changes that take place as a leader.

0:48 Danny says he will share his experiences of learning from his mistakes.

1:16 Danny advises for new church planters to always say yes, and shares his reason for that strategy.

2:15 Danny shares when the “always say yes” strategy should shift to begin saying no.

2:52 Empowerment plays a role in leadership. Danny speaks about how much control church planters should have for every decision in the beginning.

5:01 Danny shares a memory of what his church planting coach said that allowed Danny to micromanage to protect the vision of his church plant.

6:08 Lee talks about guarding himself from becoming more cynical in his pastoral leadership over time.

6:42 Danny asks for clarification on the use of the word cynical.

6:49 Lee clarifies how cynicism can happen when a church planter wants total control for a long time.

7:14 This question is hard for Danny to answer, so he asks Lee about his experience with cynicism in planting multiple churches.

7:53 Danny asks Lee if planting a second time helped avoid the mistakes he may have run into when planting the first time.

8:32 Lee speaks to the difference of planting two churches at two different times in his life.

9:32 Lee talks about how different it was to plant a church the second time when he was ten years older than the first time. Maturity, energy, responsibilities, and wisdom all played a role the second time around.

10:59 Danny wonders is being new to church planting and having some naivety fuels ingenuity.

12:06 As a coach, Danny talks about the fine line of having the experience of planting a church. He wants to give lots of advice, but he also knows the new church planters he coaches need to be allowed to do things their own way to push the envelope.

13:03 Lee speaks to church planting coaches and advised them to let new church planters be innovative.

14:25 Lee shares when he began to make time in his schedule for creativity.

14:50 Danny talks about the fear of failure and how that fear can grow with success.

16:04 Danny wonders if current church planters just might be trying the very thing that will reshape what church looks like for the next generation.

16:49 Lee states his excitement to see how the current creativity might affect the church long term.