Evaluation can be a powerful tool to keep your church’s ministry on track. But what should you and your staff or launch team be evaluating? Sunday services, special outreach events, worship, different areas of ministry, and staff performance are just a few. Join Lee Stephenson and Danny Parmelee as they talk about creating a culture of evaluation in your church.

0:29 Lee introduces the subject of evaluation.

0:37 Danny mentions that evaluating different areas from the very start can be beneficial to church planters.

1:04 Danny talks about creating a culture of evaluation and the reason it’s important.

2:03 Lee asks Danny how he evaluated weekend services as a church planter.

2:18 Danny recalls having scripted questions to keep service evaluations on track and to look at both the positive and negative sides of how a church service went.

4:12 Lee recalls evaluating Sunday services on Mondays as a church planter. He shares the five questions they would address as a staff every week. Lee also shares what he asked to get honest feedback from staff on his sermon.

5:59 Danny talks about sermon evaluation and gives advice on how to do that.

7:02 Lee speaks to the importance of creating a culture of evaluation right at the beginning of a church plant.

7:38 Danny shares his thoughts on evaluating events the church holds.

8:40 Lee asks Danny how he handled staff evaluations when it came to job performance.

9:05 Admittedly, Danny wasn’t super-consistent when it came to doing staff evaluations at regular time intervals. 

10:39 Danny warns that having an inconsistent staff evaluation calendar might arouse suspicion from staff.

11:08 Lee shares how he had staff fill out less-formal form once a month to check in and report how they were doing emotionally, spiritually, and physically. 

12:30 Lee talks about what yearly staff evaluations looked like.

13:30 Lee reiterates how helpful the less-formal monthly questionnaire helped with staff and leadership evaluation.

13:43 Danny mentions a software platform that is helpful with evaluations and let’s listeners know how they can acquire it for free.

14:08 Lee urges pastor to continue evaluate all aspects of their ministry.