Lee Stephenson and Danny Parmelee welcome guest, Paul Turner. Paul is the Coaching Director for Orchard NEO, an organization passionate about planting churches in Northeast Ohio and raising up church planters to spread the gospel throughout the area.

0:24 Lee introduces special guest, Paul Turner.

0:44 Paul introduces himself and explains his role at Orchard NEO.

1:19 Danny asks Paul to clear up any confusion of Orchard NEO being connected to another church planting organization. 

1:30 Paul explains that Orchard NEO is a regional church planting organization, funded by Christ Community Chapel. He also shares how they got their name.

2:04 Lee asks Paul what his passion is for church planters, through his role as Coaching Director.

2:14 Paul explains that he, himself, once planted a church. But the church didn’t last long, so after that, he began to think about what he wished he had when he was attempting to plant a church.

3:13 Danny asks Paul to talk about the connection between coaching and having resources, when planting a church.

3:54 Paul shares that having a ministry fully funded doesn’t mean a whole lot if the quality of the ministry suffers. Resources are necessary, but so is quality ministry.

4:53 Lee asks Paul what kind of candidates they are looking for in Northeast Ohio, to be successful church planters.

5:25 Paul explains the population landscape of the area, including three major cities.

5:56 Paul talks about what the religious backdrop of the area is, and how it affects the ability to plant churches.

7:15 Paul shares what Orchard NEO looks for in the men that should be planting churches in Northeast Ohio.

8:10 Expanding on what kind of church planters he’s looking for, Paul uses an analogy for those who feel the call to plant should be like a batter swinging for the fence.

8:44 Lee likes the imagery Paul uses when talking about church planting.

9:04 Lee asks Paul to speak about his experience coaching church planters who feel called to an urban setting.

9:33 Paul explains what planting in an urban setting can be like, when dealing with people’s needs due to not just poverty, but also trust issues. In his experience, once people are convinced someone is there to give, they will finally trust. But that can be a long process. It can take years to gain trust in an urban community.

11:27 Paul shares that those planting in an urban area need financial support from people who understand how long the church planting process could be. Growth will be slow, but loyalty happens.

12:23 Danny asks if someone from another area coming to Northeast Ohio to plant a church can be successful.

12:54 Paul welcomes people who aren’t native to the area, because they can see the community with fresh eyes. It can be a disadvantage to learn the culture and area, but it’s not impossible. Loving local people on their terms is more important than where the planter comes from.

14:03 Lee asks Paul what he would say to a church planter who is on the fence about attending an assessment center.

14:25 Paul answers that he thinks having someone affirm your strengths is important to sort out a calling.

15:33 Paul praises Converge’s church planting assessment process and the focus on the mission of finding church planters who have been called by God to do so.

16:17 Lee thanks Paul for sharing his story and passion for Northeast Ohio.