So I've realized that sometimes I sound like an idiot on the air ("even if it was like... yeah. Like, even if it was like, like...") and this made me think: what are my annoying traits? I mean, I know that I can't tell a story to save my life, and that sometimes I'm a bit too intense and people don't realize I'm joking and decide that I'm just being a bitch for fun and I do snap my gum far too much... but, well, that's stuff I know. The question is: how many things do you do subconsciously? Good or bad? Kind of makes you wonder how other people see you, huh?

But that's just the thought of the day. On other fun podcasting tidbits...

Megan and I have decided that we might be starting a "Spot the Lyric!" game soon. I'm not going to guarantee anything anytime soon, but if you happen to hear a lyric from a song slipped in here or there, drop us an e-mail or comment and we'll probably award you on a points system... with an indefinite prize...

Also, as promised, here's the link for Scaachi's always-entertaining blog: Check it out and enjoy! And remember, we're wondering what you guys think about a book/movie/band of the week. Leave us your thoughts and your freaky first-day-of-school stories or life-changing summer stories... Remember, fill in the blank. I finally realized that _________. And we'll have a good time laughing at you - I mean laughing at them! ahem, next episode.

Okay? Okay.
Love always,