
Unedited Podcast 26: So Hardcore

May 28, 2009 23:05 - 22.3 MB

Okay, so seriously. We're back. We mean it this time. We even brought a friend to help us this time. John acted as our guest host this week to enlighten us about Metal music. We discuss its different aspects and the idea that it's more than just screaming and head banging. Expose yourself to something new and tell us what YOU think about Metal. Love it or hate it, let us know. To hear this episode, you can either direct download it by right-clicking here or the title of the post and choosing...

Don't You Forget About Me

April 18, 2009 18:52

Listening to CBC's program Quirks and Quarks, a science radio program, I heard about a study that ACTUALLY erased a fearful memory from a mouse. Like, seriously. It's very preliminary and there's a lot of ethical questions - which we talked about on episode 22! - but the scientists took a memory of fear in a mouse and proved with a reasonable certainty that they actually erased the memory. That's amazing, and frightening. What do you think? I know, we haven't been around. I'm sorry. Rosy's s...

Unedited Podcast 25: Good to the Last Drop?

March 16, 2009 02:55 - 18.3 MB

This week, we discuss teenage drinking and try to take a look at why it's the hobby of so many high school students. What do parents think?  Is partying good or bad, or just a thing? Let us know in the comments! As usual, you can download the episode by right-clicking here and choosing Save Target As... OR you can subscribe through iTunes by searching for us in the Music Store there. We're the podcast with the tree icon when you search the word Unedited and check the podcast section. Always...

Unedited Podcast 24: Is It In You?

February 12, 2009 07:53 - 25.5 MB

Back this week for another round, we covered the listener feedback about Memories and discussed potential. Of course, we also came up with a handy way to calculate your potential and determine your success in this life. No guarentees about the next, though. As usual, you can direct download it by right clicking here or the title of this post and choosing Save Target As... OR you can subscribe to us so that it updates automatically. I'm not saying that you should, except that it's convenient ...

Unedited Podcast 23: (Standards) Up Yours

January 28, 2009 00:46 - 19.1 MB

Should you be upping your standards? Or are high standards a cause of unhappiness? This episode, we discuss personal standards, argue over Rosy's, and laugh a whole heck of a lot. We had a really good time recording this week, so hopefully it shows. (Oh, and we didn't get comments on the last episode until the day we were posting this one, so we'll talk about them next episode, don't despair!) Also, we're taking voluteers for playing music during the podcast, so feel free.  You can direct do...

Unedited Podcast 22: Fond Memories

January 22, 2009 05:23 - 23.2 MB

After a measely week between episodes, we return to offer our thoughts on memories. What if you could erase your memories, a la The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind? Or didn't know who you were like in Bourne Identity? Are you who you remember? We discuss all this and share some of our memories. (Also, listen for the piano in the background. Is that what you meant about live music, because that was Melissa in playing while we podcasted!) As usual, direct download is here or the title of ...

Unedited Podcast 21: New Year's Ramblings

January 16, 2009 00:47 - 19.3 MB

After a long disappearance that was unplanned but unavoidable, we return to remind you that we can't stay on topic. If you've been missing us, here's a little bit to tide you over. We discuss news, shout outs, Benjamin Button, aging, love, and tangents.  Also, a call for musicians who want to put their songs in our podcast. Let us know. As well, new thing: lyric references in the podcast. Points for those who know who/what it is! As usual, you can direct download this week's episode by clic...

Yep. Still here.

December 28, 2008 04:56

Yes, yes, I know it seems like we've fallen off the face of the planet yet again but no... I thought it'd be a nice new year present to inform you that yes, we are still alive and kicking. Although barely - on Megan's part. We both had a pretty crazy week coming out of school but then Megan had to go and lose her voice and go and see her FAMILY during CHRISTMAS (I know, right?)... so that put a haul on things. However, we don't need a podcast for us to talk, right? I mean, I added a poll (ab...

Unedited Podcast 20: Triumphant Return!

November 21, 2008 03:35 - 23.7 MB

So, after an extra-long absence, we have an extra-long podcast to remind you that we still love you. Also, because a) we got comments! and b) we got ourselves a guest host! This week, Will joins us to talk about the US election, Obama, Palin and how not to use a cell phone. Let us know what you think and feel free to complain or compliment. To direct download this episode, right-click here (or the title of this post) and choose Save Target As... OR check our left side bar for instructions on...

A post and a promise for more to come!

November 15, 2008 21:12

Dear listeners, do not fear! A podcast is on its way as we speak, in fact, here is Jordan's e-mail that we promised we would post up IN the podcast to come - just in case you thought I was joking. I edited it down a bit into the places that we touched on during the podcast. Thanks for listening! Always, Rosy Hey Megan and Rosy, You just happened to pick one of my favourite controversial issues for this podcast,and because of that, for me, ten minutes is not nearly enough time to completely...

Unedited Podcast 19: But Polar Bears LIKE Swimming!

October 24, 2008 21:53 - 18.8 MB

This week, we have several shout outs and then will eventually get to global warming. No, it's not just you. It IS getting hot in here, although the reason varies depending on who you ask. To direct download this episode, right click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR follow the instructions in the left sidebar to subscribe through iTunes. By the way, to go about getting a copy of Megan's book, check out beautyvsbeast.wordpress.com or email beauty_vs_beast@ymail....

Concerning Our Credibility

October 19, 2008 21:51

Dear Unedited podcast listeners, I realize that it has been a while since I've said hi - at least on the blog - as I've just left it all up to Megan to maintain it as of late. Which is not cool because I am supposed to be the social-relations end of things and Megan's supposed to be the techy one (roles that neither of us really decided on) but, well, what can you do? Any-hoo, Anton brought up the issue that we really aren't "unedited", in lieu of what is claimed by the title of the podcast...

Unedited Podcast 18: All in the Family

October 14, 2008 00:56 - 16.2 MB

This episode is combination of Thanksgiving blather, talking about family gatherings and speculating about the concequences turning 18 will have on where we sit. Kiddie table? With the adults? It's just light chit chat to follow up our last episode, which ran pretty long. We're still open for feed back for episode 17, as well, so if you want to get your two-cents in, we'll include it in the next podcast as well as what you guys have to say about this one. Tell us about your Thanksgiving tradi...

Unedited Podcast 17: Baby Blues

October 08, 2008 03:51 - 21.1 MB

After a short disappearance (sorry!), we return to tackle the issue of abortion. Where do you stand in the pro-life, pro-choice debate? We talk about that and related issues, as well as discuss the comments we received on our last episode about cliques. If you didn't catch the last issue, check it out and here what some of your fellow listeners had to say; thanks to everyone who left feedback! Also, sorry that this episode is so long. It was a big topic and we had several shout outs to make. ...

Unedited Podcast 16: Social Security in Numbers

September 20, 2008 04:18 - 18.5 MB

This week, we discuss cliques, popularity, geekdom and where we all connect. What group do you belong to? Do you have to belong to any group at all? Plus, of course, we have a fake fact of the week and an interesting... theory after the final music. (Note: If you're part of a certain clique and we've offended you, tell us! We want to hear about it and you can set the record straight.) As per usual, to download the podcast directly, right click here or the title of the post and choose Save Ta...

Unedited Podcast 15: Soul What?

September 13, 2008 04:34 - 12.2 MB

We're back in the deep end this week as we talk about the soul. This week's episode is shorter than the last several, so let us know if we should shoot for this length more often. Also, leave us some comments; we miss them! As per usual, you can direct download the episode by right-clicking here or the title of this post and choosing Save Target As... OR you can just subscribe through iTunes as is described in the left sidebar. Always, Megan

This and That and Housecleaning

September 07, 2008 00:01

So I've realized that sometimes I sound like an idiot on the air ("even if it was like... yeah. Like, even if it was like, like...") and this made me think: what are my annoying traits? I mean, I know that I can't tell a story to save my life, and that sometimes I'm a bit too intense and people don't realize I'm joking and decide that I'm just being a bitch for fun and I do snap my gum far too much... but, well, that's stuff I know. The question is: how many things do you do subconsciously? G...

Unedited Podcast 14: Customer Dissatisfaction

September 03, 2008 04:30 - 16.3 MB

So, after a month long disappearance, we're back in the saddle again. This week, we're talking about customer service and sharing stories about its hazards. Feel free to join in with your own rants and tell us about your summer! To direct-download the episode, right click here or the title of this post OR look to the left sidebar on this blog for instructions on how to get the episodes to download directly to your computer automatically through iTunes. Always, Megan

As Promised...

August 12, 2008 03:25

Hey everyone, hopefully you guys have been enjoying the podcasts so far! Megan and I have been thinking hard about new topics for our next few podcasts. If you have any suggestions - suggest them! I'll be gone for the next week to Vancouver (I hope that doesn't put a damper on anyone's big plans to listen to our podcast, haha) so we'll have plenty of time to plan out our next episode! Also, if you're interested in co-hosting or coming in to be our guest give us a holler. And now that I'm don...

Unedited Podcast 13: Folk You

August 04, 2008 23:19 - 17.9 MB

This week, we hear some listener feedback about evolution, Titan's moon and Jesus, and then return to lighter discussions as we discuss Folk Fest and the proper way to stand in line. You've all watched someone jump the line or squeeze their way to the front; here's a chance to vent, or confess that you budge all the time, or both. Also, what other little things drive you crazy? Let us know in comments. To direct-download this podcast, right-click here or the title of this post and choose Sav...

Unedited Podcast 12: Viva La Evolution (Part 3)

July 23, 2008 04:36 - 19.9 MB

This week, we talk about evolution versus Adam and Eve with a great guest host. Jordan joins us to discuss Darwin, where evolution has gone and where it may take us next. The podcast is a little late, but it's a few minutes longer than usual to make up for it. Hopefully it was worth the wait; tell us what you think! To direct download, Right Click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... You can also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes to get automatic updates and inst...

Unedited Podcast 11: After Life (Part 2)

July 07, 2008 05:38 - 18.5 MB

In the second part of our religion discussion, we hear from listeners and talk about the different views of the after life. Such a broad subject can only be touched upon, however, so let us know what YOU think and we'll talk about it in the next podcast. Also this episode, we have our first listener-submitted Fake Fact! Next in the series is an episode on Evolution (with a guest host!?). To direct download this podcast, you can right-click here or the title of this post and choose Save Targe...

Unedited Podcast 10: Science v.s. Religion Part 1

June 29, 2008 22:22 - 17.1 MB

Our first double-digit podcast tackles the conflicts and similarities of science and religion. Part one of the discussion covers medicine, god's will and the seven new commandments. Part two is still to come and could include you (yes, you). Give us your feedback and comments on the topics of evolution and the afterlife and you may be featured in the next episode! To direct-download this episode, Right Click here (or the title of this post) and choose Save Target As... OR go to iTunes, searc...

Unedited Podcast 9: Sunday School?

June 23, 2008 21:15 - 15.1 MB

This week, Unedited tackles the topic of whether or not kids should be forced to go to church by their parents. Should parents have control over the religious practices of their children? What about rights and choices? Let us know what you think. To download the episode directly, Right click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR go to Itunes and subscribe to the podcast for automatic updates; we're now the podcast with the tree icon. :) Always, Megan

Unedited Podcast 8: The MetamorPHAsis on the Wrong SyllAble

June 12, 2008 03:39 - 15.4 MB

The eighth episodes discusses transformations, growth and changes and, well... rambles. Also, question: should we make these podcasts every other week instead of weekly? To direct download, right click here and or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR go to iTunes and subscribe there for automatic updates. Always, Megan