Previous Episode: PPA - Christian Long pt 2

Good Hello,

Today we talked to musician, radio playwright, zine maker, postcard sender, plunderphonicser, former centrist, and the host of WFMU's Mid-Valley Mutations, Dimestore Radio Theater, and occasional other programs, Austin Rich! How he even has time to talk to us for a couple hours, I forgot to ask.

We talk about all these things, his influences, more. I'm not even sure what to write about specifically. I'm not even sure why anyone would read this instead of listening.

The opening track is from this Mini Mutation of Austin's, Open Season on the Rich. If you wanna hear more, check out the archive of his regular programs, Mid-Valley Mutations and Dimestore Radio Theater. For more... just go to his website or patreon, it's all linked there. It'd take another 10,000 words just to write out all the projects.