Hi, hello, sorry, yes, we're late again. I hope this edit makes sense because I'm still too busy to start from scratch. But this edit cuts out most of Ileana and leaves Melissa's answers intact for any bilingual listeners. I'm sure our reactions aren't going to really make sense. Sorry.

If you skipped the last episode, here's a recap of the description, lightly edited because Tripp Nasty had to cancel his tour.

Good hello again and sorry again for the delay. Life is hard, but it goes on, whether I want it to or not. 

Today on the show we talk to a mutual friend of former guests Ileana and Ernesto Bautista, Melissa Guevara. Her and Ernesto's work have a lot of overlaps (death, experimental video, large conceptual pieces, focus on El Salvadoran history and issues like immigration), but also we tried to focus a little more on her own unique perspectives and approaches. We discuss all of the above, but we also touch on her religious upbringing, her current feelings about religion, and her pottery work.

Also of note, Melissa's answers in this episode are translated by our mutual friend and former guest, Ileana. I've done my best to edit this in an engaging manner for English speakers, leaving Melissa's answers largely in place but diverting focus to Ileana's translations layered above them, but we will also have a bilingual version in the coming weeks that will feature all of our questions in English and Melissa's answers in Spanish. If there's any questions or concerns about my editing, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected].

If this works out, we'd also love to hear from other non-English speaking artists and people. If you know anyone and would like to help us out with this, please feel free to contact me at the email above and let's see what we can do. We had a lovely time talking to Melissa and are incredibly grateful to Ileana for her services. We would love to learn more about what's going on outside of the anglosphere.

If you want to learn more about Melissa or take a look at some of the work described in the episode, you can check out her website and her VIMEO, which are primarily in Spanish.

Music today is a couple of old tracks by our buddy Tripp Nasty.